Sergeant O'Brien and Fake Marriage

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I sat in the passenger seat watching the scenery go by. Gunner hummed along with the radio as it played DownTown by Lady Antebellum. (Hate this song but its playing right now.) He reached into the glove compartment as we pulled into a parking lot. He handed me a small ring box and turned to me cutting the engine.
"Here put this ring on. If anyone asks we're engaged. We met in third grade and dated from seventh grade till our senior year when I proposed at graduation. That's the only way they'll let me in the base with you. You can make up the wedding date or whatever by yourself. Also we're gonna be holding hands and looking coupley," he explained as he slid the ring on to my finger. I decided to mess with him. I grinned and took his hand lacing my fingers with his.
"You've held my hand all day what's the difference? Oh and by the way our wedding will be in a barn at dusk," I giggled sitting up straight and leaning towards him. He gave me an amused look and chuckled to himself.
"Still the Spunky Lanie I remember. Our wedding will be in a barn at dusk but you so have to wear those cowboy boots and flower crown," he mused as he turned the car back on and pulled into traffic. I just laughed letting go of his hand and leaning on the door.
"How much longer till we get there?" I asked staring at the cars going by. A flash of black caught my eye and I looked behind us. A military caravan of six trucks. "Gunner they're behind us!"
"Shit. Hold on Lanie,"he said as we sped up. I looked at the speedometer we're hitting 100mph. "To answer your question we're about fifteen minutes away, but let's make it five."
We turned down a street filled with brick walls and military men. We pulled up next to a checkpoint. Gunner rolled down his window and I unbuckled myself.
"My name is Alexandria Parker. My fiance and I are here to see Sergeant O'Brien and it is an emergency. Now please let us through," I pretty much begged the soldier. I was stretched across Gunners lap with my head out the window. The soldier nodded and opened the gate.
"Go to building seven on the fourth floor," he said as I smiled at him. Gunner pulled through the gate with a jolt. I tried to move but he stopped me.
"No stay down. Just wait till we get there. If they see you in the car they'll stop us," he whispered as I glared at him. It was uncomfortable as hell. The gear shift was jabbing into my stomach. Not to mention Gunner was moving the it as he drove.
"Yes because I want to be gropped as we drive," I sassed at him. I felt him tense up and speed up.
"I am not doing that Lanie. Just calm down and wait we're almost there," he snapped. I sighed and laid my head on the door. We stopped and I looked up at the building. All gray with a gate in the front. This one was open though.
"Let's go wifey," he said as I sat up. He got out of the car and went over to my door opening it. I took his hand and got out following him up the stairs. I heard tires squeal and turned my head. The caravan again. I yanked him through the door and booked it for the door leading to the stairs.
"Can't they just leave me alone?!" I yelled as we ran up the first floor stairs continuing up the stairs. The door below us opened as we hit the second floor.
"Apparently you are military gold Lanie," Gunner gave a dumb remark as we kept running. I huffed and sped up. We made it to the fourth floor throwing open the door. The lady at the desk looked at us weird.
"Where is Sergeant O'Brien's office?" I asked panting. She pointed to a door on the door on the other side of the desk. Gunner waved a thanks and pulled me to the door and opening it. An older man looked up as we stumbled in. Gunner closed the door and stood against it.
"My boss sent me to you. My name is Alexandria Parker and this is my fiance Joshua," I explained trying to catch my breath. He nodded and stood up walking to the door. The soldiers piled into the lobby. He opened it and cleared his throat.
"Gentlemen I'd like you to leave my office. Miss. Parker is now under my jurisdiction," the soldiers glared but left back down the stairs. I collapsed into a chair and panted. Gunner came and stood behind me with a hand on my shoulder. O'Brien closed the door and turned to us.
"I wish your mother would have told me you were engaged. That's a big thing I want to be part of,"he sighed sitting at his desk. I looked at him confused. He chuckled softly picking up a picture frame. "I'm not your biological father but I did help raise you. I sent your mother money and support."
"Mickey?" I questioned looking at him. He nodded and my head started to spin. First Josh and now my father. I shook my head and groaned from the pounding head ache. Gunner rubbed my shoulders and cleared his throat.
"Sir is there a reason she's here? Why do the military and government want her?" He asked with a strange tone of voice. A mix of anger and concern.
"Well son she is very smart and with the right training can be pretty much invincible. She is our secret weapon against the government. They want her to kill her and we want to protect her and train her to fight if needed," my 'father' explained. I stared at him looking for a hint of a joke. Nothing.
"Either I die or become a weapon?" I asked standing up and starting to panic. Gunner pulled me into his arms trying to calm me down. I leaned against him and look at the my father.
"No we will not make you fight unless you are in danger. You will stay at this base till you're safe," he explained standing up. He walked over to me and took my hands looking into my eyes.
"I would never put my little girl in danger."

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