Two days passed by really fast and I had already packed my bags.I was still waiting for Mr.Kang's call.
Just as I was about to call him,my phone beeped.
"Hello Mr.Kang here.. you can move in the dorms tomorrow.Call me before you come.I've messaged you the address,you got it?Well then have a nice time with them."
Well tomorrow's my last day at home and my parents will throw me out.I haven't told them that I've been selected but I lied that I had found a job..well I guess it's not a complete lie...I had found a sort of job where I would get my money.
Money money money yah..
(Sorry but I'm way too obsessed with this)
There's still one day left and I decided to leave in early morning but I guess I was wrong.
"Sweetie sweetie come"My mother barged in my room and took my suitcases while pulling me with her.
"Mom what the-where are we going?"
"I'm so sorry dear but you have to go now."She led me on the doorstep and gave me my suitcase.
"What..what do yoy mean I have to go.I'm leaving at five tomorrow morning and it's only nine."
"Well the earlier the better.I'm sure they'll be able to accomodate you at night so no worries and-"
"No worries?Mom are you mad to let your daughter alone on the streets at this hour of ths night?"
"Oh I'm so sorry baby but you see your aunt and cousin is coming home tomorrow morning so we need you out of here you understand?"
"I don't believe you you're using my room as a guest room?Really.."
I also thought that my mother loved my cousin more than me.Well I may know why.Maybe she studied more and was more of a good girl you know.THE PERFECT ass.
"Sorry dear but you have to go.Hurry up hurry up before it gets too late."
"But mom-"I advanced towards the door but she had only clashed it in my face.
Really guys..are you really parents?You should be given an award for getting rid of your daughter like that.
And I took my suitcase and started roaming on the street.
I decided to call Mr.Kang now.I know it's really late but I have no other option."Hello Mr.Kang can I join the boys now?"
Even though he found it a bit late but after a lot of pleading,I managed to get a yes.
I was still roaming on the streets trying to find the route.
It was really dark and deserted area.
"Hmm so we should go straight and continue going..."
I looked at the different shops and street names and advanced forward."Right that's here then turn to-"
"Hey baby girl" A bunch of guys were blocking my way in front.
I still didn't say anything and continued walking.
"Lost huh..well I think it's quite late..and you seem like you have no place to sleep now..what about with me?"He laughed out loud.
"Look Mr-"
"Why mr?Have you seen my age?I'm still having fun and you could be next..Oh come on I do it won't regret it."
"Ha do it well."I let out a laugh.
"Behave yourself when I'm still calling you Mr. "My voice then changed to a more deep and threatening one.
"Oh really little-"
"Ouch man"
He grabbed my phone but I took his hand and twisted it behind his back.He fell to the floorHis friends came after me but one received a punch in his nose and another in his leg.
Then the gang leader still woke up and came at me but I only took his shirt and kicked him to the ground.
They stayed still on the ground and when I came near them,they backed off a bit while looking at me with scared faces.
"Want more...well thank you"They willingly gave me my phone back.
As I turned in front,I sensed someone approaching behind me.I turned around and gave him a kick in his...
He fell to the ground with moans of pain.
"I told you not to mess with me.You think girls are too weak nah,That serves you right...tsk jerks."
I took my suitcase and continued my way.
Park Hin Hing POV:
"Hey Lee Ha Nyun,we should have asked for a car man."
"Hihi stop complaining,you're like a girl"
"Sshh everyone look at that"
"Hey baby girl"
"There's a girl too.Look,they are teasing her."
"Hey Khu Kwon..stop putting your weight on my shoulder."
"Hihi I can't see..move your head a bit-"
That guy grabbed that poor girl's phone...
"Do u think we should interven-"
"Ouch man"
"Woww I don't think she needs our help at all..impressive"
"Shut up Ha Nyun..they'll hear you."
"Wooo what a girl!"Hihi exclaimed.
"Oh oh step back she'll see us."
"Serves you right."
"Did she leave already?"
"Yeah we can get out."
"Aren't we late..come on,the others will be searching for us."
"I wonder where she's off to"
Well wherever she's going,that's gonna be fun.
Hello people hmm that's a long chap..take time to read it.Well I wrote it with great care at 12 in the night.I hope you like it.
And now three other characters have appeared:
Park Hin Hing
Lee Ha Nyun
Kung Khu KwonOk so bye bye...enjoy and contimue to support.
Bad Girl In Your Area
Roman pour AdolescentsA rule breaker,badass queen hating her life but now comes the biggest problem of all, Forced by her parents to join an entertainment and become an idol and the worst of it... She has to live with six boys including Kim Seo Yirin,hmm let's say one of...