First meet

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I went to the college. I noticed my best friend coming towards me.

"Hey Indu, results are out. Did you check your result?" Harini said.

"Not yet, Harini. I am a bit tensed.I hope I will be the topper this time too like in previous semesters," I said as if the mere exam results decides my destination. Of course, at that time that was my thought.

I am really worried. I took a few sips of water to cool myself.

"Why are you so worried? It's the results of our exam, not your life," Harini said to make me relaxed.

But her words had no effect over me as I couldn't accept failure. I love to win. I love to win by right ways through my hard work and sincere efforts.

" It's my life. Winning gold medal is my first goal where as... " she didn't let me complete my words.

"Becoming IAS is your next goal. I am tired of hearing these words, yaar. Just see this world. How everyone are enjoying except you. You are really a bookworm," Harini mocked me and scolded a bit. She was right but I don't know that at that time.

"Whatever I love my studies and myself as I am. Anyways let's go and check the results," I said and then moved towards the notice board to check my rank.

"Sure, madam," said Harini in a teasing manner.

We checked the results. I am the topper with 95%. I am extremely happy.

"woo hoo..let's celebrate. Give me a treat, yaar," said my bestie hugging me.

"I will give party only in 2 occasions i.e. after getting gold medals or becoming IAS (bureaucrat/ collector/top most cadre in national level)" I said smiling and started my scooty.

"Hmm,you never change. By the way where are you going now?"

"To my fav place. Do you want to accompany me?"

"I understood. Let's go. I know where you will go when you are happy"

Harini sat on scooty and we went to my favourite place.

We reached the place.

"Please catch these boxes dear" I gave boxes consist fruits to Harini.

"Sure. But tell me one thing dear. Why do you visit orphanage when you are sad or happy?"

"Because children are so pure at their heart. They double my happiness n lessens my sorrow. If your doubt was cleared, let's move on madam ji" I said to her.

"Indu beti,come come . Your face says you are very happy. What did you achieve this time" asked Mother Mary, admin of the orphamage.

"Mother, please bless me" I said

"God bless you my child"

"I almost achieved my first goal. I topped 5th semester too. Waiting for just one more semester" I said excitedly.

"Definitely you will do it my dear. I need your help. I have some work and going out. Can you handle the works of orphanage for one day"

"No mother. She have to study. Busy Bookworm" said Harini to tease me.

" Mother, sure I will. Pls don't worry. I love to spend with these kids too" I said giving angry look to Harini.

"Ok beti. I am leaving then"

Mother left on her work.

"Hey Indu, I was just kidding yaar. Why are you so angry on me" She asked.

I paid no attention to her and stopped talking to her as she teased me infront of Mother. I distributed fruits to elders and books and pens to children.

Akash PoV:

I took mom to her favourite place to surprise her.

"Maa, we reached the place. Can you remember whats this? " I asked with a smile.

"Akash" mom said with tears.

Moms are always too emotional. Either it's happiness or sorrow, their eyes will get wet with tears.

My Mom's parents expired in an accident when she is a child. It's her house where she had plenty of memories. It was sold by her uncle and she really want to visit this place atleast once. Dad said this to me.

"Shanthinivas - Orphanage and Old aged home" mom read the board.

"Yes maa, An NGO is running orphanage here. You can spend your birthday with them and remember your childhood days. Come let's go in" I said.

I went inside the office room to meet Mother who is the admin of the orphanage. But instead of mother, I found a girl sat on the chair.

"Excuse me madam" I said.

"Yes" she looked at me and gave a serious look. She is angry. But why? What did I say? Why is she so serious?

"Actually I met Mother yesterday,she told................" I said but she cut my words in middle.

"Can you come directly to the point?" She said.

Omg, What am I doing then? I nvr understand why few ppl are so serious.

"My mom want to celebrate her birthday with the kids here" I said

"ok,where is your mom? Tell her to come. I will take you to the kids" she replied.

We both moved to go. But she slipped and is about to fall. I caught her in my arms and I had an eyelock with her. She was terribly shocked.

"Shall we move madam by being careful" I said.

She is still in my arms realised what happened with my words and broke the eyelock and stood properly.

"How dare you to touch me?"she said shocking me.

"Actually it's a matter of kindness to save a person from falling.I don't think I have to show my dareness here" I replied as I was tired of her seriousness.

"Shut up.Do you think you are so smart?" She asked

God, what's wrong with this girl and what did I do? Why is she shouting?

"Yes,I am so smart and I have nk doubt about it. Madam,today it's my mom's birthday. I hav no mood to argue with anyone and spoil the mood. As I am not wrong,I can't say sorry" I said seriously this time.

"ok,lets move" she said .

"Indu, Your mom is called you n as you didn't receive her call, she called me. Talk with aunty once" someone said giving mobile to her.

"Oh it's in silent mode Harini. Thank you" she said to that girl taking mobile.

I starred at her while she is on call. I don't understand why is she so serious.

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