Feelings of Akash and Indu

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Akash PoV:

After 2 days,Harini discharged from hospital. Indu said this to me.

I was thinking about Indu and smiled unknowingly.

"Akash,Can you share the reason behind ur smile with us too" said mom

"May be coz of Indu" stated my sister.

Sisters are the devils in the form of a human.

"Akash,how is harini?" Dad diverted the topic saving me.

"Harini is fine dad.She was discharged from hospital today.I am thinking about Indu.I am remembering her words.I forgot to tell you.Indu loved someone in the past" I said

"Oh really.But in the past? What does you mean?" Mom asked

"I don’t know what happened exactly.But she said she faced same situation as Harini.But,what surprised me is her courage and her way of handling life.She is just amazing.I really like her very much" I said unknowingly

"Akash,I can see love on Indu in your eyes.I don’t know what destiny decided for you both.But,I feel Indu is perfect for you" mom said. I was about to say something but stopped as my phone rang.

"Hi Indu, Whats up?" I said

"Hi,I need a help from you,if you don’t mind" said Indu

" I am always at your service madam. Please tell me" I mocked to make her smile.

"I think I am troubling you.Bye" she said seriously

"Hey Indu,I am just kidding.Tell me what can I do for you" I said.

Indu,really I am always ready to do anything for you to make you smile.As a friend,its my responsibility.

"Akash,actually its about Harini.I know she will be alone and bored at home as aunty leaves to job as she had audit and uncle is out of station.I want you and your friends to join me to visit her and make her happy,incase if you all are free" she said

"I am free this whole week.So,I can come.But friends,let me ask them.Let me take them all into conference call" I said.

I connected the gang into conference call.

"Hello guys, Indu and our gang is on conference" I said

"Hi Indu n Akash" Rocky,Deep,Suhana,Aarushi said

I told them the plan.

"We are free for our friends at any time guys.We are coming..just message us address on watsapp" they said

"Ok then see you all there. Bye" I disconnected the call.

We visited Harini’s home and knocked the door.Harini opened it but didn’t find anyone and went off as we hide to tease her.Again we knocked and hidden. Rocky about to knock the door and at once,Harini opened the door and they both stared at one another. We shouted and went there.

"You guys here?" She said smiling

"Ya,we are here as we are free today and felt bore.Didn’t we disturb you,  right? " I asked

"Not at all.Actually I have to thank you all for coming as I feel lonely.Pls come in everyone" she said and we went in. We are chitchatting and it's been 2 hours now.

"Arey,have you guys ate elephant today?" Deep said confusing us

"What?what are you saying?" Suhana asked

" I mean I am hungry but I didn’t find anyone of you hungry.So just asking that if by any chance,you all had something which makes you u not to feel hungry" Deep said

"Bad joke but gud try" Suhana said teasing him

"Sorry guys.I forgot.Let me prepare something for you all" Harini said

"Harini,you are not well.So,Indu,Suhana and Aarushi will prepare something for us" I said

Indu coughed suddenly

"What happen Indu" I asked

"Actually I don’t know cooking" she said mocking a kid

"Oh no.Are you joking?" I asked

"No.Its true" she said

"Akash,I love my life and want to live few more days.So,please exclude Suhana the best chef from cooking" said Deep teasing Suhana

"But Deep however I too can’t cook" said Suhana

"So,you girls accept that we are better than you" I said laughing

"What do you mean?" Indu asked

"I mean today I am going to cook with help of Rocky and Deep" I said

"Do u know cooking?" asked Indu

"Perfectly" I said

"But guys,I too know cooking.So,I will join with you guys and hence,we don’t accept you guys are better than us.We never lose" Aarushi said to me

"Hmm.no war.Lets move fastly" I said

We prepared lunch for them. We are having lunch.

"Akash,food is very tasty.The girl who marries you is very lucky" said Indu

"Thank you.Can I give compliment to you too?" I asked

"ya sure" she said

"The one who marries you is also very lucky because he will learn new skill called cooking" I said

"Akash…." She said seriously

"No world war 3 please" I said smiling and she too smiled

Indu is collecting the flowers falling from a tree like a child in the garden. I shaked the tree and flowers fallen on Indu as if its rain of flowers.Indu left herself to that and enjoyed showering of flowers stretching her hands and rounding as if she is dancing unknowingly. I smiled seeing her innocence.

Indu,if I didn’t love my childhood friend,I would definitely fall for you.I really love your innocense,  friendliness,  caring and everything.

She stopped her playing and looked me.It started raining.The rain drops are falling as if they are called for, to stop the emotions n disturb me from my thoughts.

"It's raining.lets go inside" I said

"Don’t you like rain?" She asked me

"I do but now not interested" I said

"I love rain and am always interested to play in rain" she said

I got shocked to see different and happy Indu for the first time.

Indu PoV:

I know you are surprised to see me like this.But Akash,I don’t know the reason behind my feelings.I feel very free and secured,when you are with me.I just feel as if I am with my mom.I don’t need to hide my true emotions and feelings from you.If I can trust anyone in this world apart from my mom,its you Akash.

"Indu,Where were you lost?" Akash asked

"I am here.I didn’t lost anywhere" I said

"Ok.If you are done with playing in rain,lets go inside" he said

I nodded. We are about to move.Suddenly, I heard the thunder sound and hugged Akash.Deep silence between us for few minutes.Then,Akash broken the hug and we both went inside. I was thinking about my feelings on one him.

I am in Harini's room thinking about Akash.  I heard the tone of Suhana from outside the window.

"Why are you seeing me like that Deep" said Suhana

"I am watching you because I am surprised to see the beauty of star on Earth" Deep said

"Thank you.Oh its raining heavily.lets go inside" said Suhana.

I smiled at their conversation as I found Akash starring at me from another room continuously. Is he thinking the same about me?

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