What is LOVE?

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Hi friends, within one week of writing this story,  it came to #16 position. Thanks a lot dear friends. This is my favourite episode. Tell me how is it through comments and votes.

Indu PoV:

"Indu,pls stop crying.Its ok,leave it" Harini said consoling me.

Akash's behavior hurt me so much.


"Indu,Let me ask you something.Why are  you so angry on Akash? Why don’t you like to befriend him?He was inspired by you because you saved his life.What's your prblm?" asked Harini

"Harini,How can I befriend him?I didn’t know anything about him.He is so friendly from day one.  I am so scared about his behaviour. I didn’t mean he is a flirt or bad person but,I didn’t like to create complications in my life.As my duty,I counselled him and saved him.I couselled many persons till now as a team member,but it doesn’t mean I will befriend all of them.

I am unsure how frndshps turns into,in the long run.Having intention of love and starting with frndshp,I hate such ppl.Everyone initially starts with frndshp because no one can ask directly for love.I didn’t want any divertions.I just want to reach my goal.Nothing matters to me.Anyways leave it.I need some rest.I am going to home.Bye.

Akash PoV:

I am in my home remembering Indu and her tears.

"Akash,come lets have dinner" said mom

"No maa,I am not hungry. You all pls carry on" I said slowly.

"What happen to you? You look so weak n tired. Are you ok?" Asked mom

"Akash,Don’t worry too much about the dream.Leave it beta.Come,let's have dinner" said dad.

I don't understand my feelings towards Indu. That's the reason behind my dullness.

"Not about dream.Today I fought with Indu"  I said

"Ha,it's common whenever you both meet,obviously you both fight" said my sister so casually.

"It's serious Angel.I thought to make her happy but I myself made her to cry.I can’t have dinner today.Please leave me,I need rest" I said leaving from there.

I heard mom words.

"What should we do now? He never changes.Whenever he hurts a person,he skips food.I don’t understand why can’t he control his anger before"

Indu PoV:

Next day, I went to college.  I still didn't forget Akash's words.  I am in my thoughts and Harini said.

"Indu,Read this" Harini said handovering "Young Achievers" magazine to me.

"Whats so special in this Harini" I said

"Read the interview of Akash in the magazine.You will get your doubts clarified" she said

I started reading his interview:

Reporter: Mr.Akash,Congratulations on your success.You reached the peak of success and shaked the world with ur music in very young age.As you are an inspiration to young generations,people are interested to know your views.Shall I ask you few questions on behalf of your fans.

Akash: Thank you.Yes,please proceed.

R: Mr.Akash,We heard that though you are a world famous rockstar,You are so simple and very kindhearted.How can you be so generous?

Akash:Nothing special in me.Its all because of the way,my parents raised me.

My dad always reminds me to remember the starting point of journey of my life and what made me reach this stage.He says we should be rich in thoughts not in the way we live.Being simple n humble increases our circle.

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