Indu saved Akash

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Akash PoV:

"Indu is the person who saved me from committing suicide, 2 years ago" I said.

Mom, dad and angel eyes got moist.

I remembered my past.


I completed my graduation. I aspired to be a rock star. I participated in many competitions, but unable to establish myself. I failed in all those shows and was very depressed. I was dying with failure. I decided to commit suicide.

But for one last time, I want to see my parents and friends, but if I visits them I can't suicide. Hence, I opened my fb(facebook) to see the pics of my happy moments with all of them.

Suddenly I came across a fb page "Willpower Now" which posted quotes about life and success. I smiled and commented on post that I am going to commit suicide and lost hope on my life. I got a reply from the founder of the page asking me to message him. I messaged.

I was surprised to know that the founder was a renowned author and motivational speaker, yet replies to fans and was running a team whom he trains to counsel people on life problems. I didn't even imagine there would be such a forum where everyone committed to help others through just fb without any profit. The founder assigned a member of the team to counsel me.

"Hello,I am Akash.Master Will (founder of the page) told to contact you" I messaged to assigned team member on fb.

"Hello Akash, how are you. Yes,I know, Master Will told about you to me. Can you pls share your reasons for losing hope on life. It makes me easier to counsel you, if you didn't like its ok, however I will help you" the member said.

"I am a failure.I aspire to be a rock star, but failed in every competition.I can't choose another field and unable to succeed in this music world.So I prefer death" I said

"Wow, you aspire to be a rock star? That's awesome. All the best, Akash."

"I can't. I realised that I can never be a rock star"

"Akash, what made you to feel so?your failures? Hmm..ok,let me tell you something. Do you know about Abraham Lincoln and Edison? Do yoy know how many times did they fail?Lincoln failed 28 times and Edison failed 10,000 times before succeeding in their goals. I would share a quote of Edison with u, I have not failed,I have learnt 10,000 different ways that won't work.

This is life Akash.You need to face challenges and thrones on your way to success. I can understand your pain of losing competitions. But,can you imagine the pain of losing a grown up son by your parents? Do you think parents can bear it? Do you want them too to lose their hope on life? Is this the gift you are going to give to your parents for their love on you?

Akash, You are born to succeed. You can prove yourselves. Rectify your mistakes.Find out the reasons behind your failure.Plan your journey perfectly and try again and again.Try till you succeed.Never Give up.Trust yourself and be confident.You are more than you think of urselves.All the best,Akash" member replied.

I felt as if new spark ignited in me which makes me win my goal by those words. Yes, life is a challenge. Why should I quit? No I won't. I should try. I should try till I succeed.

"Thank you so much. Your words really inspired me. I will achieve my goal for sure.Thank you once again" I said.

"You are welcome.Bye. All the best Akash"

Flashback ends.

" Do u know who is that member counselled me? Its Indu.I have seen her photo on that fb page as a part of the team.I am surprised to see her in orphanage.I am inspired by her words and today I am a rockstar because of her and team.I admire her" I said

"We are ever thankful to Master Will and Indu.We are so happy today only because of them.Otherwise................" Dad said with tears.

I saw tears in mom's and angel's eyes. I hugged them.

"I want to meet her. Let me go to orphanage" mom said and I nodded.

We went to orphanage and said everything to Mother. She called Indu. Indu came to orphanage and looked at me irritatingly.

"Indu,Thank you so much beti" mom said touching her head n blessing her.

"You didn't save one but four lives.We are very thankful to you beti" dad said with tears.

"Thank you so much for saving my brother.I love you so much Indu" my sister said.

Indu PoV:

I am in confusion. I didn't understand why they are thanking me. What did I do? I am so angry at Akash because of his unnecessary interest in me. But seeing them in tears, I controlled my anger. I looked at Mother and she explained everything to me. She said that as I saved his life, he admires me. But the thing is I didn't remember him.

"You are welcome aunty, uncle and sister. But I didn't do anything much. Credit goes to the founder of the page, Master Will. I am just a volunteer there trained by him. If not me, someone in the team would have counseled him. So, there is nothing special about me, Mr.Akash. Your talent made you great, that's it.I hope you will end it here itself.If you want to thank, please thank Master Will," I said.

" I want your frndshp.Can you please accept me as your friend?" Akash repeated his words increasing my irritation.

"Stop it Akash.I told you once I have done nothing to you and we can't be friends as I know nothing about you.Never try to contact me again.Excuse me everyone.I need to go now" I said as seriously as possible.

"Indu,I am debted to you and hope will repay it one day.Because I don't like to be debted to anyone. Take my help once and I will leave you" he said

"This is called ego and not thankfulness.I will rather die than to ask you for help"

"But if you take my help then I won't bother you again" he said in a flirting manner which I hate the most.

I went off from there giving a dangerous look to him.

Akash PoV:

"Leave it beta. You shouldn't force someone to be your friend.Its bad and I know my son is good" mom said. I didn't reply.

Maa,How can I say that I need her friendship to make her smile.I don't know the reason but I guess she is very serious because something is stopping her from being happy.She inspired me to achieve my goal.Now how can I leave her knowing she is not ok.I want to see her smiling. I want to know what's wrong with her and what is bothering her.

I won't leave it easily till I come to know the reason behind it and make her happy.

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