Chapter five: why wont you listen

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Myrtle had known better then to ask Nigini if she was ok after she came in last night. She went straight to her bed and immediately cried into her pillow. Myrtle hated Tom she always had and now she always will for what he had done. The next morning everyone in the dorm apart from Myrtle and Nigini had gone down to breakfast in the great hall. "You don't have to stay go and have some food". Nigini didn't even look up from her pillow when she said that, there were no lessons today as it was the first of the Christmas holidays.
"I'm going home later you can come to if you want, instead of staying here". Myrtle got up and took one last glance at he friend before walking out. Nigini finally decided to leave for the great hall. She sat with Myrtle avoiding the look that a certain someone was giving her. "Don't pay any notice". Myrtle noticed it to. After they all walked out and most people had gone home Nigini was in the library when she sensed someone sit opposite her. She took a quick glance at who it was to see Tom staring at her.
"Listen to me, Lauren lied I didn't say that I didn't even know you were muggle born".
"I'm not". Nigini quickly snapped.
"Then why won't you listen"?
She snapped her book shut and gave Tom an eve glare.
"Because Tom Riddle I happen to have a best friend who Is muggle born". She got up and placed her book back. Before she left she turned around again and said something she would later regret. "I loved you Tom! But now I see your just a heartless boy". She went to walk off but he had already grabbed her hand and pulled her to shelf.
"I love you to, there I said it, I never called you a mudblood yes I may have called Myrtle one but everyone has an opinion"
Before she knew it Nigini had slapped him across the face. "What"?
"I don't know...I guess-" she was interrupted by Tom's mouth crashing to hers. When he pulled away she wasn't speechless anymore. "How dare you, you think you can just kiss me and that makes everything ok. It does for me and I don't know why I want to be mad at you but I can't find it in my heart to be, but I want you to apologies to her". He looked at her confused. "Myrtle apologise to her or say goodbye to me forever Tom Marvolo Riddle". And with that she walked out of the library.

 And with that she walked out of the library

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