Ten years later.

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She was now 28 with a four year old little girl named Lilly Riddle. Hermione, Ron and Harry's time potion had skipped ten years as this was the important bit.
"Tom please spend some time with Lily that's all she wants you know". Nigini followed Tom around their mansion.
"I know and as much as I want to spend time with the two of you, I just can't not right now". Tom walked out of their study and left Nigini stunned to what he had just said.
"Mummy does daddy hate me?" Lily looked up to her mum as Nigini just stared at her in return. She honestly didn't know the answer to that, she didn't think he would be capable of hating his own daughter but then again this was Tom Riddle.
"No". But just as Nigini was going to explain more there was a loud bang outside their study. "Lily hide". Nigini had been so afraid of this day...the day that Toms enemies would find them.
"Nigini ravenclaw oh wait it's Riddle now isn't it?" It was Alfred Potter the person she knew would come after them sooner or later.

"No way that's not possible there's no way a potter would kill someone". Harry covered his mouth with his hands he couldn't believe what he was seeing a potter about to kill.

"I know you've been watching me all these years Harry Potter". She turned to where the three watched in horror. "Tell professor Dumbledore he never changes and thank him for me will you". She smiled before turning to the other Potter. " Please don't hurt Lily". Nigini begged to which Alfred just nodded. Nigini sighed and dropped her wand in defeat.
"Avada..." She didn't have to hear the last words she knew she was dead. The spell hit her and she fell to the floor watching Lily try not to make a sound.
"NIGINI" she head Tom shout as he walked into the room. Alfred had already gone it was just her, Tom and lily. "Nigini wake up". Tom ran up to his wife laying there motionless. "Lily come out". He held is arms out for his daughter to which she ran into him. He was grateful she was ok but Nigini had been there she had been the only one who had believed in him and now she was dead. "I swear they will pay...the Potters are all dead".

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