Part 5:

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You start to come to but eyes still closed, listening to a faint thump, thump, that slowly moved along in motion. Enjoying the warmth and comforting sound, you snuggle into the pillow you rested your head on. A little odd though, you don't remember your pillow feeling this lumpy. You reach a hand up in an attempt to smooth out the bumps; finding one you give it a squeeze and push down.

"aah.." a soft moan follows your action; ignoring it you try again to fix your pillow. "mmm.. aah.." something moaned a little louder. You try to focus some energy on the sound through your drowsy state. You can hear the same thump, thump, the sound of breathing, soft nyeh heh heh's, and the title menu music from the movie you were watching earlier. really i should turn off the tv... the tv? You asked yourself; finally putting all the sounds together, your eyes shoot open.

You take in the sight before you; you were laying on top of Frisk, her arms wrapped around you, while she leaned on Papyrus who with his natural tall stature had you both wrapped in his arms. Your pillow that you were so carelessly squeezing was actually Frisk's breasts; you could feel the blush on your face. She gave out a small shiver; making you realize you had taken the blanket with you when you sat up. Her hand reaches out blindly and softly grips the fabric of your hoodie before she pulls on it. Obediently following the tug to lay closer to her, the blush on your face deepens.

You're lying on her again but this time your face is closer to hers; your legs intermingled. You watch as she breathes in softly, so different from how you saw her breathe last night. Looking over her body as best you can without moving too much, you can feel the heat inside you build up. She was so beautiful and warm; you gently caress her cheek. Frisk nuzzled into your touch causing you to miss a breath. Carefully you placed your teeth against her lips and closed your eyes; her lips were so soft. She lets out a sigh and parts her lips a little bit.

Too curious as to what they would taste like, you run your tongue across her parted lips. The action brings out a low moan from her mouth; just fueling your arousal, you do it again. Leaning off of her a little, you start to run your hands along her sweater, tracing over her breasts. Her nipples start to harden under your touch and her breathing rate rises.

"naughty frisk, no bra huh?" You pinch them lightly and twist them with your fingers; noticing that her body temperature is getting hotter.

"Feels nice..." Frisk moans, her breath warm against your neck.

Feeling her heat you can't help but notice your own; a dimmed blue light glowing between you two. Continuing the lustful movements of your hands, you trail them onto her stomach, getting her breath to hitch in her throat. Moving your hand further down, you play with some of the ruffles on her skirt; debating about what you really wanted to do next. Deciding to go for it, you let your hand slide under to feel the soft fabric of her leggings. Running your fingers and palms along the inner of her thigh you smile at her reactions. Her body is trying to meet with your touch, wanting you to do more. You lick your teeth.

Knowing that any attempt to remove the leggings will no doubt wake both Frisk and Papyrus up, you settle for touching through the fabric. After all, doing this was risky in itself. Letting your hands travel up her inner thigh, feeling her body twitch to the sensation, you softly roam a finger over her labia lips. You feel a strong pulse around your pelvis. don't worry, i didn't forget about you, with your other hand you tug down your shorts just enough to free your erection. The blue glow fills the space between you two nicely.

Now getting back to the task at hand, or rather with my hands, heh, you start making small circle movements over Frisk's entrance. Rewarded with more moans and gasps, you press a little harder into her, attempting to get a finger in. The fabric doesn't allow for much more than the tip and you figure using a knuckle is enough for now. Using your thumb to continuously draw circles around her clit while you fingered her shallowly; enjoying how she now moaned louder and her breathing was harsh.

You watched her face, and the blush and sweat that took over her features. Breathy moans and sighs escaping through her moist lips; small trails of drool running down her chin and throat.

"damn, frisk, you're too beautiful..." you whisper. Using your free hand you place it around yourself, matching the strokes with your other hand, and let some of your own moans fill the room. The feeling of your hand stroking yourself and entering her was building your pleasure up fast. Trying not to make it play out too long, you pick up the pace and hold your cock tighter. You close your eyes as the feeling of your release was building up threatening to escape soon.

"F-fuck...Sans..." Frisk moaned and started to shake underneath you. Hearing your name called out while she came tipped you over.

"d-damn...!" you leaned your skull on her head, forehead to forehead, and finished hard onto her thighs and skirt. Breathing heavily you opened your eyes, admiring your handiwork. heh. man that was even better than last nights. After calming down a bit you release the magic watching as your mark on her faded away.

"Sans..." breathy moan left Frisk's lips. Suddenly worried you woke her, you froze. "'s-so good... can still feel it... tingle..." her voice fades out.

"frisk, you awake ki-" you stop yourself from calling her by her old nickname; after what you just did could you really call her 'kiddo' anymore? You watch her as her breathing slows, showing no response to your question and you relax. good, she was still asleep. You feel a dark blush come back across your face; still asleep meant that she was dreaming of you. Feeling a little less guilty from your actions, you place a small kiss on her lips and realize just how tired the whole event made you. Slowly you try to snuggle back up to her, her hands found their way around you; she kisses the top of your skull then nuzzles you onto her chest, you can feel the smile on her face. You remember her doing that same thing last night, to Papyrus's bone; just who did Frisk like anyway? You ask yourself as your train of thought fades.

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