Part 8:

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"i suppose it has been awhile," you continue to glare at Frisk as she smirks at you. So she thinks she won huh we'll see about that. "should be fun."

"IT CERTAINLY WILL BE! THIS WILL BE THE BEST DATE EVER!" Papyrus exclaims. You turn to look at him, he was obviously excited for this, but did he know he just called it a date?

"O-oh yeah! I'm sure it will be! So I'll just go get ready" Frisk was blushing again and quickly ran up the stairs to her room and shut the door. You can hear her voice freaking out but you couldn't make out the words. Guess she was happy it's a date.

"so you're calling it a date, paps?" Papyrus's attention turns towards you now.

"ER, WELL, YES... I MEAN THAT'S WHAT YOU CALL GOING OUT TO MOVIES AND EATING AT PLACES, RIGHT? THAT'S WHAT ALL THE BOOKS SAY." A light blush had settled its way onto his cheekbones and he was starting to fidget.

"true," you agreed, "but a date usually only involves two people, bro, and uh there's three of us." You wink.

"I KNOW THAT!" he turns away slightly, "B-BUT IT'S BETTER IF IT'S THE THREE OF US." He was fidgeting with his gloves more now.

"oh?" You wanted to keep the conversation going, curious behind his reasons but you heard Frisk's door open and close before she descended the stairs. You could hear hesitation in her footsteps before she reached the bottom. You both turned to look at her. You stared as you took in the sight. She had come back down with her brown hair tied in a messy bun with part of her bangs tied back with a simple skull shaped hair clip. She was wearing a skeleton sweater with a red heart and with lace trimmings on the end; followed by a pair of dark grey jeans that hugged her curves wonderfully.

The room was quiet. Neither you nor Papyrus was talking anymore; you were both just staring at her. You watch the nervousness grow in her; her face turning a deep red.

"A-as I thought, it's too much right?" her hands shot up to cover her face "Alphys and Tonton picked it out for me and since it's been awhile since we actually went out, I thought it'd be good but now I realize-" she spoke quickly "-that's it's probably insulting and doesn't look good! I'll go change again-" Frisk tried to quickly turn and run back up the stairs. To your surprise, Papyrus caught her arm and stopped her.

"P-PLEASE DON'T!" He was blushing a dark orange, "YOU LOOK VERY CUTE LIKE THIS." You were pretty taken back; this wasn't something you see often. Frisk looked down, her face was red.

"Are you sure?" she whispered. You fought back a laugh. Not only would Papyrus not lie to anyone, Frisk was hardly such a shy girl. She used to just run around and flirt with anyone she came across. I mean even Toriel told stories about how Frisk tried to flirt with her and then asked to call her mom.

"of course, i mean you can't expect paps tibia anything but honest." You wink at her. "when have you ever known this guy to fibula?" Her eyes meet yours and she smiles widely and lets out long fit of laughs; now that her tension was gone. Papyrus shoots you a look but doesn't scold you before turning back to Frisk and smiling down at her. He's just full of surprises today.

"Well, maybe you guys would want to wear the shirts they picked out for you two as well then?" she asked. If that's what they picked out for her, you can only imagine what they got for you; you were about to decline but Papyrus spoke up first.

"OF COURSE! THIS IS OUR VERY SPECIAL DATE! WE SHOULD BE SPORTING THE LATEST OF FASHION! AND METATON HAS GREAT TASTES!" Papyrus beamed, and you groaned. What's wrong with a loose t-shirt and baggy hoodie, it never goes out of fashion.

"I think you guys will really like them!" Frisk grins. Well if it'll make them both happy...

"it's really not that bad." You walk into the hall, examining the hoodie. The fabric was comfortable and warm but that wasn't your favorite part. Written in big letters on the front was 'EXERCISE? I thought you said Extra Fries' followed by an image of a basket of fries covered in ketchup. Frisk was waiting for you, eagerly awaiting your opinion, "guess they have better taste than I thought."

"SANS DON'T RUIN THIS!" Papyrus scolded when he came into the hallway. You chuckle at his shirt, which read 'you will never pasta my standards' with a plate of spaghetti.

"They look so good on you!" Frisk beamed.

"you look so cool, bro."

"YES. THIS SHIRT IS DEFINIETLY FITTING OF THE GREAT PAPYRUS. METATON MADE A GREAT CHOICE FINDING A SHIRT THAT WOULD SHOW OFF MY CULINARY EXPERTISE!" He placed his hands on his hips as if he won a great battle. I guess the irony was lost on him.

"why are you still wearing your gloves?" they really didn't go with his casual appearance well.

"WHY WOULDN'T I BE?" he looked confused.

"you're right, what was i thinking." You shrug. paps will be paps.

"Well now that we're all ready, we should probably head out." Frisk smiles and grabs Papyrus's and your sleeve and heads down the stairs.

The evening was starting to get a little chilly as the sun went down. It was autumn now so it's not surprising, guess it was nice they bought you a hoodie. As you three were on your way to Fazoli's, you noticed that Frisk was walking really close to you and occasionally bumping into you. You look over to her and realize she has her hands wrapped around herself. Papyrus was on the other side of her, focusing on slowing his walking pace to keep up with us. Every now and then he'd look down at her and then fidget with his gloves. Guess he noticed it too.

"too bad i don't have any cheese with me to top you off with," Frisk looks up at you, confused "y'know, since you're looking pretty chilli."


"Oh! Well, I'm okay" Frisk smiles, pulling her arms away, "the fabric is just thinner than what I'm used to."

"yeah, you're not usually just skin and bones." You wink.

"OH MY GOD, SANS, STOP!" Papyrus yells but Frisk covers her mouth while giggling. "ALSO, HUMAN, IF YOU'RE COLD YOU SHOULD JUST SAY SO." He pulls off his gloves and offers them to Frisk. "THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL PROTECT YOU FROM IT!"

"But if I take your gloves won't you be cold?" Frisk asks before gently pushing the gloves back.


"I guess you're right Pappy," she laughs and accepts the gloves. "I mean you kept wearing those hot pants even in blizzards back in Snowdin." You watch as she carefully slide in her fingers then wiggled them around noticing the large difference in size. "Though I don't think these look nearly as great on me" she jokes and holds up her hands and the gloves threaten to fall off.

"WELL IT IS HARD TO MATCH UP TO MYSELF, WITH ME BEING SO GREAT AND ALL..." You notice some blush on Papyrus's cheeks. He must like seeing her in his gloves.

"yeah, no one is cooler than you bro." Papyrus smiles that big grin of his and warms your heart. "though Frisk is looking warmer than you." His grin falters a bit but he's still smiling. Frisk laughs again and starts talking about what movie we should see; before you know it you're at the restaurant.

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