Part 16:

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You scream out as your body jumps awake, frantically looking through tears around you to see where you are. You see Sans besides you and feel adrenaline course through you as you fill with panic. I need to get away. The only way out was over, and you quickly try to climb; clumsily though and end up putting a lot of weight on him and you can hear a grunt of pain. It doesn't stop you as you try to get away, your legs were too weak to hold you and you fall down, now scrambling to the other side of the room while you cry. You can hear him shuffle on the bed and you curl into a ball. You hear footsteps coming towards you.

    "frisk?" his voice is soft, like the Sans you love, you look up at him. His eyes are dark and he's not grinning. It's not him!

    "N-no! Stay away! Stop!" you yell at him and frantically try to back away. Your head slams into the wall and you can feel the dull pain from the contact. You can't take your eyes away from him, you're trapped here.

    "hey kiddo, calm down." He grins and raises a hand towards you. No No No, he's going to summon the bones!

    "No! Please! Don't hurt me!" you cry out and throw your hands around yourself, a weak defense but it's all you have. You can't stop your tears from streaming down your face and your body shakes with fear. Oh god he's going to kill me again! Sans I wouldn't hurt him! I love him! I love you! I...

    "Frisk..." That's Papyrus's voice! You turn towards it.

    "Pappy?" you choke out between your sobs.

    "IT IS OKAY, HUMAN! THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS HERE!" his voice is full of confidence and care. You don't waste a moment; you desperately cling to him, needing to feel his contact to know he was real. Papyrus wraps his arms around you in a gentle hug. For the first time in a while you feel like you're finally able to get air into your lungs. He adjusts his hands to get a better grip on you before lifting you up, cradling you in his arms. You can't help but feel small and helpless, while you cry into his chest. He gently rocks you and you hear him telling you to just breathe, he whispers that everything is okay, that it was just a bad dream. With him comforting you, you finally start to be able to calm down; trying to take deep breaths that end up being shakier than you want. You feel a cool hand on your shoulder and resist the urge to tense up.

    "frisk? you okay now kiddo?" Sans voice is shaky and you can feel the nervousness. You know now, that everything before was just another nightmare, but you can't bring yourself to look at him just yet. You manage to give a small nod; you hear a deep sigh from him and you feel guilty. It wasn't his fault you had a nightmare about him and yet you had treated him like a beast. How could he forgive you after that? The feeling of cloth being draped over you pulls you from your train of thoughts. "hey, paps, mind helping her into her shower? i think it'll help her calm down the rest of the way." You feel your eyes tear up again. Even after I..?

    "THAT IS A GOOD IDEA." Papyrus turns and starts to leave while still carrying you; not having any strength to carry yourself, you're thankful.  You know you're not light so you can't help but be in awe when he adjusts to hold you in one arm to open the door to your bedroom with his other. "PLEASE PARDON MY INTRUSION." You giggle softly; he's just too sweet. He walks through the room into your bathroom, turns the light on and you realize how long it's been since you picked up in here; you had quite a bit of dirty clothes and panties lying on the floor near the hamper just not in it.

    You feel your face flush as he gently sits you on top the toilet seat and you feel the cold porcelain on your skin. Skin? You look and notice the only thing you have on you is one of Sans's hoodies and it isn't covering much since it was just laying on you. You forgot about the night you had previously with Sans and that meant during your freak out you were naked. Papyrus had hugged you and held you while you were a naked sobbing mess. You can feel your face flush darker and turn look at Papyrus.

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