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"I don't think you want that. You're just going to leave like the rest of them."

I sighed. "If I was going to leave, don't you think I would have asked you to take me home? Do you really think I'd stick around and pay for your yogurt?"

I saw her choke on her words. "That's what the last guy did. He treated me like a queen and left me when he found someone prettier."

I leaned in closer to her. "When I see you, it's like no other girl exists. I feel something with you, and if you don't want to try, then so be it. Just know that I want you, Liza."

I had an urge to kiss her, but I told myself no because that would ruin any chance I had with her. I pulled myself back and looked her.

"Once again, tell me about yourself," I said with a confident smile.

Liza put her hands up on the table and looked at me. She carefully grabbed the spoon to her yogurt and ate a bit.

She kept the spoon in her mouth as she said, "I really enjoy being a content creator. Just reading all of the positive comments about how I make them happy or inspire them. It feels good because I can use my own platform, and I don't have to follow a script. I put out what I want, and others just seem to enjoy it. They enjoy my dorky puns and my weird faces. They don't care if I wear makeup or not. Yes, there will always be the occasional negative person that brings me down, but then there's thousands of people to bring me up."

The way she talked about it made me feel so calm. Her voice was my getaway, and I could listen to her all day. She was so happy when she was talking. I could see her eyes glow.

"That's wonderful. I feel the same way. I care for my fans so much. They've gotten me so far, and I didn't even need to go to college!"

She laughed, and I felt wonderful. Who would have thought that I could have made her laugh at some dumb joke.

She said, "You know what else makes me happy?"

I looked at her with a curious look.

"Guys like you. You actually care about what I have to say. You were actually listening to me."

I chuckled. "Only because I have to."

She rolled her eyes and gave me a gentle grin. "You're a jerk."

"I got to keep my bad boy rep."

She looked me up and down and bursted out laughing, replying, "Hell, no! You are not a 'bad boy'."

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to seem mad and not to smile at the sound of her adorable laugh.

"Enough about that," I said. "Tell me more about yourself, Liza."

Liza put her hand up to her chin. She started drifting off deep into thought, so I decided to eat some of my yogurt.

She said, excitingly, "I got it!"

"Spill it then."

"I really enjoy dancing. I don't do it often, but I was once a dance captain back when I lived in Houston. Maybe I'll show you something one day."

I knew she was talented, but a dancer? How much more talented could she get. I thought to myself for a second. I really wanted to see her dance.

I suggested, "What if after we eat this, we can go back to your place, and you can teach me a little bit."

She looked at me, and I could tell that she was nervous.

"It's been a long time since I've danced for someone. I don't know, David."

I smiled to try and lighten the mood. "I won't judge you, I promise. I mean, I was born with two left feet for Christ's sake."

She let out a small giggle. "Fine."


im sorry that this chapter sucks guys. im super bad at dialogue ):

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