7: conversation

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Oikawa POV:

"What do you want? Me telling you? Wanting to know what happened?", I asked with a blank expression. 'Get hin away, you piece of trash'. I smiled, "Just go away, and forget me. That is the best you can do", I told him. He looked hurt. "Tooru, no". He looked up. Now I'm pissed. Eveytime, No. Well, why no? Why can't I be pissed or sad once? Smile, being sad all day doesn't help at all. Oh? I'm sorry about my feelings! "What, 'No'? Why can everyone else be sad and pissed and all but I can't? Because I'm worthless? Because I'm a Slut? Hm? Tell me.", I started crying, "why does everyone hate me...?". I was sitting on the cold floor now, crying like a child. The floor was dirty 'fits you'.

Iwaizumi POV:

He looked so...broken. He was pissed and sad. He cried and got on the floor. I sat beside him, the light made the floor bright. I tapped his shoulder, "How 'bout we seek a more private place?". He looked up at me, his eyes were red and his face was pale. "Mhm...", he had a blank expression, but he was crying too. How should I describe it? He stood up and walked behind me, I went to the bathroom with him.

"So...you want to talk 'bout it?", I asked him. He sat on the toilet seat and stared at the white ground. I leaned on the walls. No one comes in here anyway, they say some people killed them selfes here and now the bathroom is haunted. "You are going to hate me, so it's alright", he whispered. I slammed my fist on the wall earning a shocked look from him. "I won't hate you, you see? I'll listen to you and I care, even if you don't think I do". He looked at me, again with a blank expression, "How can you like me? This is the first time we met". ...what...what he says is right but... I looked at him, my eyes wide open, "listen carefully. I care BECAUSE I met you today. I don't want to loose the contact to you. Please, tell me...". He looked at me, then the floor. Than me again. He took a deep breath, "Ok, Iwa-chan...but just because I don't want to loose the contact to you either. "So...," he started, "when I was little no one cared 'bout me...". How can he say something like this? With this expression? A blank but sad expression...how? "my mother was drinking alcohol at this time. She didn't drink before a meeting or anything. This is why teachers didn't know what was going on. My mother didn't know too, she didn't saw my bruises, she didn't hear my screams...she didn't see how broken I was...". He stopped for a second. Poor guy... "uhm...", I interrupted him, "if I can ask...how old were you...?". He looked at me...and had a sad smile, "it started when I was five...and was 'till I was sixteen". I was shocked...he lived in this hell for eleven years... 'till last year if I guess hus age right...I wanna hug him... He went on and looked out of a small window, "You know what my father did? He sure didn't love me...my sister got raped when she was seventeen and has a child now, my nephew. He's a nice boy..." he...changed the subject? "she wants him safe and his new father too, he knows the story of his wife and doesn't want this for her son, my father threw her out. 'I didn't raise a slut!' he yelled. She cried, but smirked too 'The good thing is that I don't have to live with you anymore!' she shouted at him and smiled" ...he smiled...but not genuine... "If I had the courage to do that too...". I was angry and sad, "YOU WERE A CHILD! YOU COULDN'T JUST DO THAT!", I screamed at him. He grabbed my arm and looked me in the eyes, "You don't think it's my fault...?" he whispered asking. "Of course not", my eyes teared up, "it's never the victims fault..." ...he leaned on me, and whispered, "you know why I hate the smell of sweat? It always smelled like this after he...had done things to me..." I put a hand on his back, rubbing it. His bones really are there, you can feel them... "Are you eating enough? You're like a twick..." he giggled and smiled at me, "Are you my mom?" He looked out if the window again with a genuine smile, "Just kidding, you're my only and best friend"...wow...that was deep...like...his mood really changes from this to that and back to this.

After ten more minutes of sitting like this we went back. We could hear laughter when we came back in. Everyone, except of good friends of mine, were laughing. Oikawa was wondering too... "What is going on?", we spoke like one mouth.

I'll be the one who cries. Please don't leave me... |Iwaoi| Where stories live. Discover now