Chapter 1- We Don't Talk Anymore

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Riley Matthews

Today is friday so you won't have to face them I thought to myself. I always thought People change people and I could Fix anything well, i was wrong all of my best friends hate my especially maya,farkle and lucas. I signed and started to dress up into a comfy shirt, with a leather jacket and jeans with white converse. I look at myself in the mirror I then grabbed a green scarf and put it in my neck.

 I look at myself in the mirror I then grabbed a green scarf and put it in my neck

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I smiled to myself and went to go to the living room. I changed my taste of clothes into more edgier since i don't feel happy most of the time. When I got to the dining room, my parents and auggie were eating already so greeted everyone and sat down and began to eat. Auggie said to me smiling , good morning riley I said back to him, good morning to you too auggie.

My dad then greeted me and I greeted him back. My mom didn't say good morning to me since she was mad that Maya didn't visit anymore or came over. She treated Maya as her daughter and cared more about her then me. It was silent for the rest of breakfast since we have not that much to talk about. I finished breakfast and went to grab my backpack in my room.

After I grabbed my backpack I told my family goodbye and went out the door

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After I grabbed my backpack I told my family goodbye and went out the door. After I left the building I started walking to the subway station.It started to get cold but I don't ming the winter. While I was standing there for the subway to come, I went to sit down on a bench and took out my phone plugged some earphones on my phone put them in my ears and started to listen to music.

As I was listening to music I saw the train barely coming, so I got up and started to board the train. I found a spot and sat alone while the train started to move. I started to think about the memories of me,maya, farkle and lucas. But that's the past and I can't change anything, I signed in frustration.

The train stopped and I got got off along with other people. I checked my phone to see what time it was, it said 7:45. I turned my phone off and went towards the school. I pushed the doors open right when the bell ranged. Everyone started going to there classes while I went to my locker. I started grabbing my books and went to my dad's class. He looked at me and said, Riley why are you late?

His voice sounded full of worry and disappointed since i was never late and also I'm a good kid. I told him, too much people on the subway and it was crowded. He shook his head as he understanded. I smiled at him and took my seat next to farkle. I took out my notebook and started to write the notes up on the blackboard.

As I copied down the notes I felt farkle looking at me as he was trying to figure something out. I shrugged it off, when I was down writing down the notes I started to wonder off. Will I still talk to the group after what has happened? Probably not, I shook those thoughts away, and stared up front.

My dad was saying, War could happen between countries, but also war could happen between friends. Sometimes they would forgive one another and become best friends and other times they won't talk to each other or look at each other anymore. So what do you suggest that we do?

My dad points at Farkle, and asks him, What do you think Farkle? Farkle looks at me, fake smiling and says coldly, I think you shouldn't be that person's friend anymore. Because they probably something to you and you and your group of friends were stuck in a hole instead of exploring the new place and he/she can't fix anything at all it just happened.

I raised up my hand, my dad asks me, what about you Riley do you agree with farkle? I look at Farkle and back to my dad and say, No I believe you should give that person another chance and let you explain what happened or occurred and be friends again if they want to.

My dad looks at both of us shocked, he then says, well look at that we have 2 different opinions, who do you think is right? Right when he said that the bell rang, I quickly gathered my stuff and started going to my next class. My next class is Art, so I started going to the classroom, I was looking for a sit when I spotted one next to maya.

I went over there and sat down next to her. I knew she is uncomfortable with me sitting next to her since we don't talk anymore, the whole group doesn't allow mays to talk to me especially lucas and farkle. But she's not the only one uncomfortable i am too. A few minutes passed and our teacher came in.

He told us, hello everyone today we're going to draw what we're feeling right now. So everyone start working and when you're down tell me so i could see your picture. After he said that, everyone kept drawing or painting what they were feeling. I was only painting a dark room with the color black.

The art teacher and checks my work, and tells me, we'll miss matthews that's interesting why did you do paint that. I respond to him, I just feel sad and there's no escape to go to. He nods if he understands and leaves to go to another student. I look at Maya's drawing and there were lots of bright colors.

She rolls her eyes at me, and says, what are you looking at? I don't respond and instead I face the clock to see what time we get out of this class. I hope that this day is over already. The bell rang and I went towards the door with my stuff. Since it's a little break everyone are on the hallways talking and laughing with their friends.

I go sit on a bench and take out my phone and start playing candy crush. Someone sat next to me, I wondered who it was. I faced the person I couldn't believe who it  was......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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