Chapter One

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Chapter One

It was supposed to be a peaceful evening.

Shinoa had texted the squad in a last-ditch attempt to get them all together before they parted ways for their holiday break at college. They'd agreed to meet at the noodle bar, which was ten blocks away from the campus, for dinner. Shinoa, Mitsuba, Yoichi, Shiho, and Mika had already met up, paid for their respective noodle bowls, and had chosen a table nearby the window. The only one who had failed to show up was Yuu, which wasn't much of a surprise in itself. Yuu was typically late. But when he showed up, he always made some sort of dramatic entrance.

As if on cue, Mika hears his voice before he made himself visible around the corner.

"Yoichi!" Yuu's boisterous voice echoes throughout the busy restaurant, running to their booth upon seeing it. He is breathing raggedly, having run all the way from his dorm room. Damn Yuu probably forgot the campus bus is free, Mika thinks with a roll of his eyes.

Slamming his hands on the table, Yuu makes it rattle, the force threatening to knock over their drink cups and noodle bowls. "I need you to be my boyfriend!"

Yoichi pales and is clearly taken aback, not knowing how to respond to such a bold and brash question. Though, in all honesty, he should've expected something like it, considering bold and brash practically describes Yuu's entire existence.

Shiho, who is in mid-sip of his drink, practically spits out his water when he hears Yuu's demand. Choking, he snaps his head in Yuu's direction and glares at him incredulously. "What the hell did you just say?"

"God, Shiho, are you deaf?" Yuu gives him a passing glance, rolling his eyes as if Shiho just asked the stupidest question ever. "I need Yoichi to be my boyfriend. Well, my fake one, anyway. So how about it?" He grins brightly in Yoichi's direction.

"I, uh-" Yoichi is at a loss for words, looking at Shiho, who is blushing angrily, for support.

"Wait a second," Shinoa interrupts him (much to Yoichi's relief), holding her hands up in defense. "Why the hell do you need a fake boyfriend? Or rather, what the hell did you do to get yourself in that kind of situation?"

"That's an excellent question, Shinoa," Yuu shakes his finger in her direction, his other hand on his hip. "Let me start from the beginning. So you all know how I'm bi, right?"

"Yeah, you never shut up about it," Shinoa's girlfriend, Mitsuba, retorts sassily, not even bothering to look up as she finishes her noodle bowl.

"Shut up," Yuu fires back, a twinge of a blush on his face. "Anyway. So I came out to my family in my first year of university, thinking they wouldn't have any power over me while I was in college." He spoke flamboyantly as he told the story, which made sense, considering he was in the drama club at their university and was a total drama queen. "And I just got off a phone call with my mother, who has asked me to go home for Christmas. Now, this normally wouldn't be a problem, right? Except this time, my mom wants me to bring home my boyfriend!"

"You don't have a boyfriend," Mitsuba commented in response, a smirk on her face.

"I am heavily aware of that, but thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious," Yuu gave her a similar look, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"He hasn't since sophomore year of high school, actually," Shinoa adds, clearly enjoying the embarrassed expression on Yuu's face. She looks like she's about to take her phone out of her bag and snap a photo for safekeeping. "So then why does she think you have one now?"

Yuu, who loved having the attention on himself, looked pleased to share the rest of his sob story. "Well, my mom would ask me all these intrusive questions every time she called me," Wrinkling his nose, he pretended to imitate his mother. "She would be like, 'So, Yuichiro, do you have a girlfriend yet?' or 'Tell me about all the pretty girls you've gone on dates with at university!' and it got so annoying. So, eventually I told her that I do not have a girlfriend, in fact, but I have a boyfriend."

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