Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

They are in the closet.

Mika isn't sure what to make of the situation. If Yuu is trying to pull some overused sexuality joke, he is definitely going to get himself a well-earned kick to the balls.

"Wow, haven't been this deep in here since tenth grade," Yuu mutters bemusedly under his breath, kicking through piles of unfolded laundry.

Boom. There it is. Mika wheels his leg back, prepared to strike, when Yuu pushes back a couple of winter coats and reveals a hidden door.

Yuu whirls around to shoot Mika a childish grin, and Mika plants his foot on the ground quickly, putting on a straight face.

"My desires are, shall I say, unconventional..." Yuu jokes, quoting the line from Fifty Shades of Grey, and Mika debates if it's not too late to give him that kick. Upon seeing his expression, Yuu raises his hands in defeat and laughs. "Okay, okay! Come on, it's actually pretty cool."

Yuu kneels down and opens the door, which is about half his height. He crawls through the passage, which has a ladder that leads up to a secret room, Mika assumes. He hesitantly follows Yuu up the ladder, which is worn down with age and use, eventually reaching a small, attic-like space.

There is a large navy blue bean bag in one corner, a tiny rug, a hand-powered radio with a crank on it, and random possessions like all kinds of books, photographs, an ancient Walkman, and art supplies. On one side of the wall is a circular window with a latch.

"Sorry about the mess," Yuu scratches the back of his neck nervously. "No one has ever come up here, so I don't bother to clean."

Mika bites his tongue to refrain from speaking the comment that threatened to brush past his lips. So I'm the first person you've showed this place to?

Yuu crosses the small room – which, Mika notices, is extremely cold due to a lack of central heating – and stands in front of the window. He fiddles with the latch and opens the window. There is already a step (really just an old milkcrate) by it; Yuu hoists himself up and climbs out.

Just a couple steps behind, Mika curiously follows him, and he is met with a gust of wintry air to his face as soon as he breathes in the outside fresh air.

They are on the roof; it is the slanted part, but it is safe to sit on because a makeshift railing has been built around the edge. Yuu sits by the edge, arms crossed on the railing and feet dangling off the edge. Mika can practically imagine his mother catching Yuu on the roof and nearly having a heart attack when she realizes he could fall down two stories and hurt himself. Mika also gets the impression that Yuu doesn't really mind the danger much and does what he can to get alone.

"So, you wanted to bring me to the roof?" Mika questions.

"Well, it's the best view," Yuu counters with a half-hearted shrug.

"Of what?"

Yuu points forward in response, and that's when Mika finally tears his eyes away from Yuu and he sees it.

The house overlooks a sparkling lake; crystalline waters that reflect the changing leaves of the maple trees surrounding it. As Mika stares at it with an awestricken look on his face, he watches as a single leaf falls from its branch and flutters down, landing on the water delicately and casting out soft ripples. From ground level, one cannot see the lake with the house blocking the way, but from the roof he has a perfect view of the water. Mika can see they have a back porch that leads out onto a long wooden dock. One of the trees has a knotted rope that must be used for swinging into the water, and a couple houses away are some more houses that are on higher land, sitting on cliffs that overlook the lake.

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