Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Mika wakes up to the feeling of someone shaking his shoulders violently. He jerks awake, dizzily taking in his surroundings. "Mmm?" He mumbles incoherently, his brain not functioning properly just yet. "What is it?"

Yuu's voice is sultry as he draws out his words. "Wake up, baby."

Mika's head snaps up, so quickly that psychedelic colors swirl in his vision, curling under his eyelids, and he nearly hits his head on the ceiling of the car from jumping in surprise.

Taking in his surroundings, Mika sighs in exasperation when he realizes he's still in Yuu's car; however, it is no longer moving. The car's engine, which purred and rattled before, had been shut off. Yuu swings his keyring on his finger lazily. "We're here."

Mika sits up, rubbing his eyes. "How long was I asleep for?" He asks groggily, voice thick with sleep. He hated waking up from naps; it always made him feel so discombobulated, and more often than not, he felt more tired than before.

"Couple hours."

Mika soon realizes he had been sleeping in an uncomfortable position, and his neck was now paying the consequences. He reaches over his shoulder to rub the tender spot and blinks a couple times to wake himself up. Once semi-functional, he is able to take a look around.

In the view of the front windshield is a grassy valley, with a large house sitting on the top of a hill. It is a Victorian-style, two story home, painted a sunshine yellow with white shutters and built on top of stone, overlooking a tiny garden filled with drooping yellow tulips and firebird nandinas. There is a large wooden porch on the front, with two porch chairs and a swinging bench. It reminds Mika of the type of houses little children scribble with crayons in kindergarten. The house is surrounded by trees, peppering the land in oranges, reds, and greens.

Mika quickly realizes Yuu's family must be rich, which comes as a shock to him, because Yuu acts like every other broke university student; eating fast food and cup noodles on the regular.

"Alright, you look like a zombie," Yuu comments when he sees Mika's deadened stare, and starts to get out of the car. "Let's get going, then. Don't want to keep the family waiting."

Upon mentioning the family, Mika feels apprehension rise in his chest, constricting his breathing. Family, he recalls. The people I have to impress for the next two weeks.

As he steps out of the car and wanders to the back trunk, Mika wonders if the rest of his family is like Yuu. Maybe Yuu's the odd one out, and the rest of his family would be a quiet bunch. He can picture it now; a mother cooking happily in the kitchen, the father reading by the fireplace, a baby girl coloring swirls on paper with rainbow markers. He sighs contently, dreaming of the peace he could have as long as he avoided Yuu as much as possible.

The loud screaming of a child quickly shatters that dream, however.

Mika looks up in terror to find that the screaming belongs to not one, but two children, both barreling towards Yuu's car as fast as their legs can go. A boy and a girl, they seem to be the same age - perhaps ten or eleven - most likely fraternal twins. The girl has similar features to Yuu; black hair, green eyes, set jawline, whereas the boy looks the exact opposite, having chocolate-brown hair and a matching eye color. They both take a flying leap and jump into Yuu's arms, who is waiting for them with open arms and a giant grin on his face.

"Yuu!" They squeal in unison, pulling him into an excited hug.

"Hey guys!" Yuu is just as excited to see them. They pull away from their hug, and Yuu ruffles their hair. "I missed you!"

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