Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Mika stares at the clock on his phone with a lazy yawn, watching as the time shifts from 9:12 to 9:13.

He's late, Mika thinks for what feels like the millionth time. Honestly, after all that nonsense about Mika not being late, his ass can't show up on the time they agreed upon. Or maybe I just have the wrong car?

He peers into the backseat of the beat-up Toyota Camry curiously, looking at its contents. The back seat is filled with miscellaneous stage props and old fast food wrappers. Mika wrinkles his nose in disgust, thinking there are probably a dozen McDonald's burger wrappers littering the floor. This is definitely Yuu's car, alright. He was fully aware of Yuu's obsession with McDonald's.

Mika sighs, knowing full-well he would need to clean out the filth before he can even think about setting foot in Yuu's nasty old car.

"Mika!" He hears a voice shout his name. Mika lifts his head to see Yuu barreling down the nearly-empty parking lot, wielding two large rolling suitcases, an overstuffed backpack, a cooler, and an inflatable inner tube. He looks absolutely ridiculous, like he is about to trip over his own two feet as he scrambles to drag everything towards the car.

"You're late," Mika deadpans heartlessly, shoving his phone into his back pocket. "And why are you bringing so much shit?"

"I like to be prepared!" Yuu whines childishly. He shoulders off his backpack and rummages around in the front pocket until he retrieves a set of car keys. Mika resists the urge to make a comment on his egg-shaped polymer charm on the keyring and waits for Yuu to unlock the trunk.

There are two tennis rackets, a can of gasoline, and a spare tire already in the trunk; after shoving them to the side, Yuu starts to stack the bags, taking Mika's suitcase and placing it on top of his before Mika can even suggest doing it himself. He decides to make himself busy and open the back seat to clean out the car. "I fail to understand how you can live your life this way," He shouts as he balls up the disgusting trash wrappers in one hand. "Ever heard of a trash can?"

"Don't tell me how to live my life and I won't tell you how to live yours," Yuu sasses back. "And I was going to clean that up eventually."

"Sure you were," Mika mutters under his breath, taking the mound of trash and carrying it to the trash can, holding his breath as to not breathe in the rancid remnants of the expired fast food. "You're going to have a heart attack before youre thirty." After the trash is properly disposed, he shudders distastefully and wishes he had packed hand sanitizer.

When Mika returns to Yuu's parking space, he finds that Yuu is attempting - more like struggling - to shut the trunk door after stacking the trunk to the brim. He's clearly losing this battle against the trunk, and Mika would've laughed if it weren't for the fact he wanted these two weeks to be over as quickly as possible. He brushes Yuu to the side and forcefully slams down on the trunk, effectively shutting it.

"Let's go," Mika insists, as Yuu silently gapes at him, then at the closed trunk, then back at Mika. Shaking his head, Yuu flounces into the driver's seat, whereas Mika is already buckling up in the passenger's.

The key is put into the ignition, and the radio, which was left on, starts to play cheesy pop music in some language Mika doesn't understand on full blast. He jolts in surprise as Yuu casually turns the volume knob, slightly lowering the volume the music (but not enough to satisfy the blonde).

"What the hell is this crap?" Mika shouts over the techno beat, covering his ears. Yuu ignores him, looking over his shoulder to back out of the parking spot, reversing onto the road and shifting the car into forward, taking off through the student parking lot towards the university's entrance. When he's on the main road, Mika pokes him in the shoulder angrily. "Don't ignore me!"

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