The Escape

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"And I am proud to introduce our newest velvet, Scarlet-Rose." Said the head velvet, now the new mother of an adopted peasant.

"That's not my name," complained the young girl. "it's Isanttela."

"Well it's your name now, so you better get used to it." replied the velvet.

"Scarlet, come." Said the cheerful, ignorant attendant. She lead Isanttela down a long hallway to a large, fully furnished, luxurious room. "Here is your room. Go to bed now." Isanttela lay down on the bed and breathlessly tried to fall asleep with no luck. She ended up pacing around the room until she laid eyes on a humongous oak wardrobe. She opened it to find it was full to the brim with fancy dresses and accessories. She then turned to the window. That morning, when the attendant came to collect Isa for breakfast all she found was a long line of dresses tied together, leading out the window.

"Stinkin' velvet's. Thinking everyone wants to be one of them. I would rather die than be a snot mouthed piece of crap like them. Heck, I'd rather be an infected."

"Is that so???" said a soft voice behind Isa.

"Yeah, um, who are you? Did the velvet send you? Are you a guard?"

"No, no. I'm just a friend. I needed help on a project and was wondering if you would just come with me" The woman was beautiful and her voice was so mesmerizing that Isa dreaming nodded yes. She followed the mysterious lady all the way to a tall black castle, miles away from whence she came. The mysterious lady guided Isa through the foyer and elegant decorated hallways down to a dark dungeon, then into a cell. "Now hold still." The woman went to some shelves near the wall and grabbed an empty syringe. She stuck it into her arm, took some of her pure black blood and stuck the needle into Isanttela's neck. The tar colored blood drained out and began to mingle with Isa's own blood. The lady clapped her hands and two tamed came to close the door then vigilantly stand outside guarding Isa. Suddenly Isa felt very tired and couldn't think straight. That was when she collapsed on to the floor.


The woman graciously walked back up the stairs and to the throne room. She took her seat on the throne and clapped. A tamed came rushing to her feet. "You will be sent away for some time", said the queen "You will leave our borders and claim more as our land" The tamed bowed.

"Yes my queen"

"Return in 7 days."

"Yes, ma'am"The tamed left.

And never returned.


Edit: Minor grammar fixes

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