It Wasn't

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Audrey's POV

I was a little nervous walking back in the club the next night.

I had told my other job that I had emergency matters to attend and I wouldn't be available for some time.

Christopher was very nervous throughout the day and I told him it was nothing to worry about and we had people on our side throughout everything. The FBI told me later yesterday evening that just do what I am hired to do and they will inform me of anything when the time comes. I should also inform them on anything that occurred.

When I walked around the corner from the club I suddenly got very dizzy.

I stopped and held my head. What was that all about? I gathered myself and walked right in.

"Darling!" I heard her before I seen her. JJ ran up to me and gave me a hug. "It's opening night tonight. And it's going to be big because I have informed my other business clients of tonight's opening." Other clients huh?

What the one's who use innocent girls for sex?? I kept a poker face on.

"By the way I am not interested in working for your other business. Thanks for the offer."

"We'll talk later about that."

I nodded even though my head was still a little sensitive. "The dressing room is over there darling." I started walking towards the dressing room.

When I walked in I noticed every girl inside was staring at me. It was unnerving. I then knew why they were staring. I had my own customized vanity with my name on it. It appeared to be that I was the only one. Really.

I sat down and got to work on getting ready for something I didn't even want to do but I had to.

Christopher is coming tonight as well as some under cover investigators.

As I was doing my makeup I felt a wave of nausea come over me and I immediately ran towards the restroom attached to the dressing room. I got on my knees and let out every ounce of what was in my stomach in the toilet.

What has come over me?

"Are you okay?" A heard a sweet voice say behind me.

I turned around and noticed a short haired petite girl behind me. I stood up and smiled.
"Yeah I'm just nervous that's all. Never done anything like this before."

"You could've fooled me. I seen you at auditions. You were amazing." She was very sweet and I wouldn't picture her as a stripper.

"I don't mean to be rude but why are you working in a place like this? You don't seem like you would."

She smiled sadly. "A girl's gotta make a living." I went towards the sink to wash out my mouth and wash my face and hands. "I even have a college degree in Psychology but that was a dead end." She said. "I just wouldn't get hired anywhere and I needed something to keep me off the streets so this is where I ended up." I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"My name is Audrey." I said.

"Taylor." She said.

We walked back in the dressing room and I wondered if more girls like her were in this room as well. Making money stripping even though they had an education. Being used by JJ.

That made me want to take her down even more.


Christopher's POV

I walked around the corner and the club music was heard even from outside.

I was a little apprehensive seeing Audrey on the pole knowing she shouldn't belong there, only where she enjoyed herself and that was at the other club, dancing.

I paid the fee and walked in. I looked for Audrey but didn't see her onstage.

I took a seat and texted her of my presence. She texed back saying okay and that she was almost coming out.

I looked around and seen three maybe four of the investigators scattered around. They all seen me and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Well look what the cat dragged in." JJ came up to me and kissed both my cheeks. "Enjoying the show?"

"You've done something with the place indeed." I said.

"I'm already in love."

"Then we're done then?" I asked.

"I guess you can say that." She said but I didn't quite believe her.

Something caught her attention and she walked off quickly. All of the investigators had their eyes on her.

I then felt her presence before she came on. Audrey started walking and that really did grab everyone's attention. But her eyes were on me only. She didn't look at anyone else.

She reached the pole and did what any stripper would do. I didn't like her on the pole but she still had me mesmerized.

Men started throwing money at her and I was getting angry at the fact that I totally forgot that strippers work for the money they receive.

Every minute ached my heart. She shouldn't be up there doing this.

I quickly got up and was at the bottom of the stage probing her to come down with me as if I wanted her to be my own personal entertainment.

She grabbed my hand and I led her down and she led me to my chair and she started giving me a lap dance that enhanced memories. Good memories.

"I feel like an asshole making you do this." I whispered.

"You are making me do nothing, I'm doing this not you. It was my decision." She whispered in my ear. "This place disgusts me. I mean look around, I see at least ten people doing drugs and she doesn't even care. And what's even worse is that some girls back there deserve to be treated like humans not pieces of meat." She sounded really angry and that enhanced my anger as well.

"Who's that?" I heard Audrey say. "Oh my god he has a gun!"

Everything went down quickly. Gunshots were going off and people were screaming and it was pure chaos.

I covered Audrey with my body and felt her tremble underneath me. I picked her up and ran for the nearest exit. She covered her face in my shoulder.

I seen all the investigators with their guns out and more police officers came running in.

The last thing I seen was JJ being shot by Gabby! What the hell.

She seen me and I knew her intentions.

I ducked down and covered Audrey's body and ran like hell.

She started shooting at me and I felt a pinch but kept running.

Once I ran out and was outside I felt the blood trickling down my skin. I put Audrey down and we were behind a car.

"You've been shot!" She said. She quickly ripped my shirt and seen the hole on my left shoulder.

I was slowly losing consciousness. "No! No! Don't leave me! Not now!" Tears were trickling down on the face I was deeply in love with. She is my life.....

Audrey's POV

"Come on CHRISTOPHER!" I applied as much pressure as I could on the wound. Blood was all over my hands and I couldn't function.

I got nauseous again and threw up on the side.

I leaned my head on his chest and heard a heartbeat but it wasn't a steady one.

"HELP!" I screamed bloody murder. "Someone please....." I leaned my head on him and continued to sob. "Don't leave me Christopher. I love you."

"Ma'am what's going on?" I heard a man's voice behind me and seen that it was an officer.

He came running towards us and he talked into his walkie talkie. "We got another one. Seems to be unconscious."

I continued to cry and I couldn't think.

It wasn't supposed to go down wasn't....

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