Chapter 12 - Jealousy

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Austin and I had a really rest of the night. He has a great sense of humor, so I was constantly laughing all night long. It felt good, letting loose and laughing, I felt young and care-free. Well, almost care-free if I didn't feel that burning stare aimed at the back of my head all night. I tried not to think about him, but it was extremely difficult. He's so confusing and aggravating, it pisses me off, really. The night comes to an end too quickly. Austin pays for our meal and walks me out to my car.

"I had a really good time." I said as he opened the door to the parking lot for me.

"Me, too."

"We should do it again sometime."

"I would like that." he smiles.

 "I'll see you Monday?" I ask.

"Yeah, see you then."


"Goodnight. Drive safe." he said, backing away to head to his vehicle.

"You too!" I call. I'm sort of glad he didn't try to kiss me or anything.

As I unlock my car, I hear the chime of the diner door. I glance over to see Daryl supporting a stumbling, and drunk Merle. I can't help but stand there and watch, not only because it's funny, but because I've never gotten a good look at the oldest Dixon. Daryl leads them over to his old, blue truck and Merle spots me staring.

"Hello, there darlin'!" he yells over at me, waving. I look down, embarrassed.

"Shut up." I heard Daryl mumble.

"Hey, Darylina, isn't that the girl you've been hung up on?" Merle asks his younger brother, "Damn, I can see why! I bet she has a nice ass. Hey, darlin', can you turn around for me!"

"Shut yer damn mouth, Merle!" Daryl scolds, and shoves him into the passenger seat of the truck.

I don't know why I'm still standing there watching them. I should get in my car and drive away without looking back, but I seem to be frozen in place as Daryl and I make eye contact. I swear I see a hint of something unfamiliar in those Georgia blues that resembles longing. It's quickly replaced with a cold, hard glare.

He gets in his truck, slams the door shut, and peels out of the parking lot.


The next few weeks flew by and I barely saw Daryl. Austin and I never did go on a second date. I always found myself not answering the phone when he called, and making up excuses when I saw him at school. For some reason, I couldn't help but feel I'm betraying Daryl by going out with Austin. That feeling has been driving me crazy. All he's done to me is be a selfish prick.

I've gone to my willow tree in hopes of running into him so I could confront him, but he was never there. Part of me was glad, because I didn't even know what the hell I was going to say, but the other half of me was disappointed. I was disappointed because I've had enough. I've had it up to the point of me driving my ass over to his house. I just want to talk about it and be civil to each other. I walk up the steps to his front porch and knock on the door. I hear movement inside and the door opens, revealing Daryl. He looks me up and down, scoffs and goes to close the door.

I stop it with my hand, "We need to talk. Now."

"I'm busy."

"I don't care. This bullshit needs to stop."

"Just go away." he said, going to close the door again.

"No!" I shouted, stopping the door again. I push past him and go into his house.

"What the hell, Quinn?!" I hear him shout as I stomp through his kitchen to his living room and stop dead in my tracks.

I wondered why Daryl's hair was a mess and he only wore a wife beater. Laying on his couch, with barely any clothes on, was a skanky looking blonde woman. She shot up, screeched, and grabbed a blanket to cover herself. I gaped at her in shock and turned to Daryl, who was fuming with rage.

"Get the hell out of my house." Daryl said, "Now!"

I shook my head in disbelief, "I can't believe you, Daryl."

"Ye have no say in what I do! You're just a stuck up bitch who can't get over me! I don't want to talk to ye now or ever, so get the hell out of my house!"

"Oh, fuck you! I'm the bitch? You're such an asshole, can't you see that!" I yelled, forgetting about the slut still on the couch.

Daryl took a step toward me, his face inches from mine. His chest heaved heavily with angered breaths, "I'm not gonna tell ye again. Get the fuck out of my house, girl. Don't ye ever come back here."

My confidence only wavered for a second,  but I quickly composed myself and roughly bumped his shoulder as I stormed by him. I slammed his door shut behind me and stomped out to my car. I flew out of his driveway, dusting flying behind me.

My hands shook with rage and sadness as I parked in my garage. I turned the car off and let my tears consume me.

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