Chapter 18 - I Know You

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"Quinn, wait!" Daryl shouts, jumping out of the truck.

"Just go home, Daryl." I sigh angrily, making my way towards the house.

"Quinn, please stop." he said, I did and turned to face him, "I'm sorry."

"You're getting jealous over nothing. If you would've let me explain, I would've told you that I talked to Austin this afternoon. I told him we couldn't be anything more than friends."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes." I said, crossing my arms over my chest, "You can't let unnecessary jealousy get in the way of what we're starting to have."

Daryl sighs, "Yer right. I'm sorry for lashin' out. I shoulda believed ye."

I'm shocked at his sudden change of heart, but I accept his sincere apology, "I forgive you."

He walks over to me and grabs my hands. I lean my forehead against his, and he kisses the tip of my nose.

"I should probably go." he said, pulling away, "Talk to ye tomorrow?"

I nod, "'Night."

He smirks a little at me and walks towards his truck. I watch him for a moment longer before turning to go up the porch steps.

"Hey, Quinn?" Daryl calls, I turn around.

"Ye may not believe it, but I know ye." he said, nodding.

With that, he got in his truck and drove away, leaving me to stand there in awe.


I couldn't stop thinking about what Daryl said all night. I tossed and turned in bed, not feeling the least bit tired. I was wide awake and left to my thoughts.

Since it's Saturday, I don't have to go to school. To my surprise, Noah got invited over to a new friends house to spend the night. I was happy to take and drop him off. I was so happy he was fitting in and making friends. After I dropped him off, I went to get some groceries.

I know ye.

Daryl's words kept repeating in my head, and I wonder if he's actually right. I mean, I'm not that hard to figure out, but surely he can't know everything. We were friends as kids, sure, but now? I've changed. I'm a woman now. I've been through things. I've told him about some of them when he came to me just last week in pain, but that's only some of it. You can't just tell someone you know them when you only knew each other for a short period of time. But, we did go through a lot of things together as kids. I was there for him when he needed me, which was every day.

You need to stop overthinking things, Quinn. It was just a simple statement. He could just be bluffing. I barely know the man, but that's because he's a tough nut to crack. We've just started bonding again, so surely I'll know him better soon enough.

I sit at home, by myself for a change. My thoughts are driving me crazy. I need to get out for some fresh air. Maybe I should go see Daryl. But, what would I tell him?

Just shut up and go, Quinn.

I drive myself down to his house and am glad to see his truck sits in the driveway. I go up to the door and knock on it cautiously. It swings open a few minutes later, and there he stands. The way he's looking at me puts me at a loss for words. For some strange reason, this unknown and foreign desire overcomes my whole body.

Before I know it, my lips are on his, kissing them hungrily.

Before I know it, we are a mess of torn clothing and heavy breathing.

Before I know it, I have surrendered myself to Daryl Dixon. And I don't have an ounce of regret.

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