Chapter 16

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I actually slept that night. I was exhausted from the day before. I mean, I hadn't slept that long, seeing as I woke up at three A.M. and gone to sleep at 12 A.M. I open my eyes, looking down at the sleeping girl cuddled into me. Her breathing was very rhythmic and she looked so peaceful. I smile to myself at the sight.

God, she's so adorable and peaceful when she's sleeping. I should stop focusing on my problems when I lay awake at night and focus more on her. I mean, I don't actually know how long this will last. I hope it lasts for a good while...

The thoughts kept droning on and on. For once, they weren't on anything bad or stress inducing. For once, they were solely on the girl I've fallen for. The one person that can do that and she's lying next to me. That's how I last through the night, thinking of her. That is until she wakes up after the sun's come up.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" was the first thing she asks after waking up. I simply smile at her before nodding.

"Yeah, I did. For once," I say before kissing her forehead. She smiles up at me.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad. You were really tired last night. You need your strength for all the packing we're gonna do today," she responds.

"We?" I ask, my face showing a bit of confusion.

"Well, yeah. I wasn't gonna let you do it alone. What kind of a girlfriend would I be if I let you do it by yourself?" she asks, matter-of-factly. I let out a breathy laugh, giving her forehead another kiss.

"Well, thank you, baby. We should get started as soon as possible so I can be out of this place with those people who hurt me and my brother so much. I just wish he wanted to come with me," I say.

Sam simply nods before we both stand up off the bed. I throw on some pants as Sam gets dressed for the day. As soon as that's finished, we both begin to pack my things into boxes and suitcases. We finish packing my things not too long after we'd had begun. We slump down on the bed, slightly tired after quickly packing my things. Sam lays her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her.

"So, I've got kind of a major question for you," I start. Sam looks up at me. "I know we've only been dating for six months now, but I, uh, just wanted to know..." I begin to stutter. I can't seem to get the words out. I look at Sam and she's just smiling, clearly enjoying this. I feel my cheeks begin to heat up. "Would you wanna move in with me?" I finally sputter out.

"Well, Aaron Parker, I thought you'd never ask," Sam replies with a smirk.

"You knew what I was trying to ask, and yet you sat there as I tried so desperately to get the words out?" I ask, feigning offence. Sam just begins laughing before kissing the side of my mouth because I wouldn't turn my face to give her a real kiss.

"Aw, come on, baby. I'm sorry. It was just too cute to pass up," she looks at me with this just absolutely adorable face. "Forgive me?"

I look down at her for a moment before answering, "Yes, I mean, how could I not? Anyways, we should get going. I wanna get the hell out of here." She nods as we stand up and begin to grab boxes to load them into my car. We walk through the house quietly so as to not wake anyone. No one was awake yet, which I was super thankful for.

We finished loading everything into my car. All the while we did this, none of my family members woke up. I wrote a couple of notes to my family. One of them was for my brother only and the other was for my parents.

The note to my brother read:

I'm sorry about this. I can't be around them, though. They had hurt both of us so much. I had hoped to bring you along with me, but seeing as you seem to be okay with them being back, I see no point in bringing you with me if you're happier with them. I'm moving out. If you ever wanna find me or come live with me, 'cause I'm gonna be honest, they are difficult to deal with a hell of a lot of the time, just text me. I will come over and take you to come live with me in a heartbeat. Don't hesitate if you feel you can't live with them, alright, bud? I love you. Stay safe.

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