McFly Boys x

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It had been a week since my parents death and the boys were the most amazing supporters ever and I couldn't thank them enough

It was 9:30 when I felt somebody shaking my body. I turned around to see Jess.

"Katie, the boys want to talk to us. Let's go into the kitchen"

"Ok" I said.

I walked into the kitchen. All four boys were standing there.

"Katie, we know ever since your parens death you've been feeling depressed and your past came back" Connor said, looking at my arm

"Well, we know you are the biggest McFly ever" Tris said laughing, hugging Jess who looked excited as ever

"And. Drumroll please Tris" Brad said

"The McFly boys are coming here In two hours. We rang, Joe, our manager who rang them and asked them to come over to Connor's house as we know you are the biggest fan ever." James said pointing to my top that had McFly on it"

"What, Thank you so much" I hugged them

"Did you know about this?' I asked Jess.

She just nodded. We both laughed. That was the first time I had smiled in a week.

"Let's put on your new clothes that were meant for your date with your now best friend" Jess said, looking at Connor.

We ran upstairs to Jess and Tris' bedroom where my shopping was. I went to have a shower. I washed my hair and put on my black skinny jeans, navy cami, grey Hollister top, cream fluffy cable knit socks and brown combat boots. I dried my hair and put it into a messy fishtail braid. I put on some concealer, tinted lip balm and mascara. I put on several brackets to hide my cuts as I was only just meeting the boys. I looked at my clock "11:20"

"Katie, you ready" Jess screamed at me.

I nodded and smiled. James and Connor just looked at me and hugged me. "You ready" James said, holding my hand. "Katie, be you" Connor said, taking my other hand.

The doorbell rang and the boys went to get it.


"JEMS, CON,BRAD AND TRIS" we heard the reply

"Listen boys, our friend Katie loves you and her parents just recently passed away a week ago. She was meant to go to your concert two days ago but she was still too upset and never got to go. She was so upset and hasn't smiled In over a week" I heard James saying.

"Let's go cheer her up" Dougie said.

They walked in and I blushed like a tomato.

"Hi guys, I'm Katie" I said, shyly

"Katie, we were so sorry to hear about your parents" They said pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks Guys" I said, trying to hold back the tears.

"Woah, who owns the ukulele" Tom said pointing to it.

"I do" I said, putting my hand up.

"And she can sing, really well" The Boys and Jess blurted it out.

"Sing for us" McFly said

"I can't" I said.

"She can. Katie sing Cry" James said, handing me his guitar. I put the strap around me and started to sing.

"Well I guess it's been a while

Since I've seen the sunshine

Since I have smiled

And me, who's so well versed

Is feeling so damn empty

Is at a loss for words

Forgot what it's like

To just to feel okay

I'm praying for the day

When there is no more rain

And I don't wanna do anything but cry

Oh, and I don't wanna do anything but cry

(I don't wanna do anything but cry)

Well I hardly feel alive

I'm going through the motions

But I don't feel like trying

The hole in my heart is growing bigger by the day

I wish that I could crawl inside

Hide away

And I don't wanna do anything but cry

Oh, and I don't wanna do anything but cry

Oh, I'm so low

I'm almost to the bottom

And oh, nowhere to go

Even my soul has left my body

Oh, and I don't wanna do anything but cry

Oh, and I don't wanna do anything but cry

And I don't wanna do anything but cry

I finished singing and the boys started to clap.


"Your voice is amazing" Tom said.

"Why did you write the song" Danny asked.

"Thanks Tom, that means a lot coming from my idol"

"I wrote the song because when me and Connor broke up, I felt so depressed and upset that I started to cut. When my parents died, I was at even Lower low and cut even more. The boys here and Jess helped me through everything. I wrote this to express how I felt"

They all looked at me and clapped. They pulled me into a hug. All the boys looked at each other and screamed "MCVAMPS, PILE ON"

Authors Note: Hope you all had An amazing Christmas. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and hope you all had an amazing day. Love you,

Katie xx

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