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Harry's POV


"I'm Hanna." She spoke, softly.

"Harry." I took in her gorgeous features. Her cheekbones, mostly. She was perfect.

As the time went by, Hanna and I became close. I was falling in love with this girl. And I couldn't stop myself.

Our first date was a picnic in the park, she was wearing a cute little crop top and high waisted jean shorts, making her tan seem more, well, tan.

"Harry! Put me down!" I had thrown her over my shoulder, spinning her around. She was laughing furiously, when I put her down, she started to run, "Catch me if you can!" I laughed, chasing after her.

Somehow, we ended up stumbling down the hill, and somehow, she ended up on top of me. She smiled, then leaned down the tiniest bit, and placed her lips on mine.

A couple months passed, and Hanna and I spent every waking moment together. We were falling hard, and fast. Our last date, was probably the best dates ever. But ended up being the worst things that has ever happened to me.

Hanna and I were driving down the road, we were both drunk, it was an awful idea for me to be driving. We were on a bridge, and a car was coming from the other direction, I swerved and hit the car, because Hanna had distracted me by running her hands through my hair. We went right through the side of the bridge and into the water, we were both fighting to get out, but by the time I got out and pulled Hanna out, it was too late. And it was all my fault.

*end of flashback*

I shuddered at the thought, I miss her so much. And now she's gone. I have a constant reminder of her everyday, Chase. Chase looks a lot like her, and acts like her too. Dresses like her. I have a constant reminder of my deceased girlfriend, that's why I told chase to stop coming to the bookstore. I can't take seeing her again, the sight of her makes me want to break. And I can't let that happen. So she's going to leave, I'm going to make her.


A/N: short chapter, sorry babes. But get your friends to read it bc me and my bff worked hard to write it and we still have a lot of ideas so just let it be and read ok

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