Dreaming of you

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Keith and Lance are slowly drifting through space, deciding where to go, they've been aimlessly floating for a few hours now, they started to talk about what kind of planet they wanted to be on, when Lance suddenly turns off his giddy self and drops this on Keith.

"Honestly, Keith, I really want to go home..." He mumbles, picking at his nails.

"But Voltro-" Keith starts to protest but is cut off by Lance.

"I know! I know! Voltron and the galaxy is first, I know that. I'm willing to give everything I have towards that. I just wish I told my family goodbye, y'know? I can't imagine how my parents are feeling. They all must think I'm dead..." Lance slouches down in his chair.

"Maybe you could send them a message?" Keith offers in a more caring and gentle tone. Although Keith knows nothing about family, he has enough common sense to know it's a sensitive topic for people.

"How? We don't have this kind of technology at home and it's not like I could just mail a letter!" Lance covers his face with his hands, obviously he has thought through this many, many times before. Keith shifts uncomfortably in his seat, the conversation between them gets tense, Keith doesn't know what to do or say. He's never seen Lance like this before.

"Red, pull up the solar map." Keith states, he watches the bluish glow of the holographic map appear in front of him. He types in Earth. The map reloads and he's given a current photo of Earth, slowly spinning. "Lance....Where did you live on Earth, before the Garrison?"

"It was in a small town called DeLong, it was near the ocean so it was mainly a fishing town...why?" Keith searches for "DeLong Beach" and is brought to a small town in America, next to the Gulf of Mexico, the waters are clear blue and the sand is white as snow.

"It's midnight there, Lance. Your family is probably asleep, dreaming of you...." Lance doesn't respond, Keith keeps going, "It's winter time, December 13th to be exact." Keith swallows, hoping he isn't doing something bad here, "it's in the low sixties...it's raining." It's quiet for a while after that. Five minutes pass before Lance just takes off, Keith springs into actions and follows him. "Where are you going?!" He yells. Then, Lance does a nose dive to the closest planet, Keith's heart starts pounding into his ears, what is he doing?! What is he trying to do?! Keith has no other choice but to put his lion into a nose dive as well. They abruptly land on the planet's surface, this place looks like a scene out of a national geographic novel about the Amazon jungle.

Keith can't stop and admire the beauty of it because Lance has already left his lion, Keith jumps out of his and lands in the small open field.

"Lance!" He calls out, Lance faces him, then breaks out into a sprint towards him. Keith backs up a bit, he definitely did something wrong, Keith braces himself to be tackled to the ground and have the shit beaten out of him. Lance slams into Keith, embracing him as they fall back onto the luscious green grass below them. Lance hides his face in the crook of Keith's neck. Keith stiffens up, his arms awkwardly tucked to his sides.

"I really hope they're dreaming about me and I wish they're happy d-dreams." Lance loses it at the end and he let's a few tears slip from his eyes, Keith feels his warm tears slide down his neck, he tries his best to hug him back. He holds his breath, and squeezes his eyes shut. He feels Lance's breath on his neck, his entire body breaks out in goosebumps, his heart hasn't stopped pounding in his ears. Lance raises up, supporting himself up above Keith with his hands. "What you said means a lot to me. Thank you." He smiles and gets off of Keith. He finally lets out his breath and sits up, he feels as if his entire body is on fire. He touches his chest to feel his pounding heart and then his neck, feeling the trace of Lance's tears.

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