Just be with us pt 2

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Okay everyone I hope you will like this one it taken me forever to finhes.

As Ruby ad Sapphire looked at each other they couldn't stop thinking about Amys face ad how she was dropping tears when she ran away thay had never seen her like that before they felt so guilty they knew she was lonely ad felt like no one loved her ad yet they Were to shy to say anything to her at all ad it made things wores for Amy. Now she is suffering even more all because they didn't tell her they loved her.

"Sappy did we mess up"Ruby asked her as she looked down at her feet feeling guilty about not saying a word to Amy.

"Yes we did we didn't tell her that we wonted her ad now she is in even more pain because we couldn't say the words to her we have to make this rigth Ruby" Sappy side as she tryed to hold back a few tears she felt the most guilty she knew Amy was going though this thay both did ad yet they side noting about it ad decided at the wores possible moment in time to try ad tell her what they feelt for her ad look at whats happend. Ruby walked up to Sappy ad held her hand looking at her. Sapphire lifted her head up ad looked back at Ruby ahí was now looking at her lovingly Sappy smiled a lil bit ad held her hand back.

"Lets go ad find our missing half" Ruby side as she looked at her lil Sappy. Sapphire notted her head in agreement looking at her little cherry ad kissing her cheek"yes lets find her ad soon"ad with that the two small gems ran to go ad find the one thay loved so much ad wood show her how much they love her no.

~With Amethyst~

Amethyst was as she ran through the trees tears dropping from her eyes her hair getting stuck to her face she felt so much sorrow in her soul it was like she was doomed to be alone for the rest of her life why did they have to torture her why did they have to do this to her she was already feeling terrible and those two coming around just made it worse though the truth was amethyst truly loved Ruby and Sapphire / garnet.

But she knew. She knew they wood never love her back that way she loved them she stopped ad heared a the sounde of water splashing she knew that she was near a waterfall. She walked over there ad looked at the waterfall she hace a small smile ad walked over to the waterfall. She stuck her head under the runing water her shirt was all wet you could see the out line of her gem the cool water felt good it relaxed her ad calmed her.

She felt so relaxed after that she walked out ad sat down under a shady tree she looked up at the sky ad smiled just a lil ad she ended up falling asleep there with out a sound.

~back with Ruby ad Sappy~

The two gems looked for Amy for an hour now ad couldn't find her anywere they were scared out of their minds that something might have happened to the small gem they loved her so much and the last thing they wanted was to lose her even though that might already happen Ruby and Sapphire looked at one another tired

"Ruby we have been looking for hours were could she have gone"she side so dame exhausted Ruby looked at her ad had her sit down to calme down a lil bit

"I don't know Sappy but we will find her as soon as you get a lil rest your to tired"she side looking at her lover loveingly ad having her lay on her chest. Sapphire blushed ad smiled as she nuzzaled in to her.

"When we find Amy hope she will listen to reason and hopefully she'll enjoy being with us if she says yes"Sappy side looking down a lil bit,Ruby saw this and hugged her close"hey I am sure she will I am sure she will say yes to be with us I know we waitted to long to tell her how we felt but I have a feeling she might just listen to us so don't worry Sappy"she smiled to her ad kissed her cheek lovingly she wonted more then anything to find Amethyst and find out how she truly felt about the two of them it would make her and Sapphire so happy to know how she felt ad even if it wasn't the same way they felt for her they would always love her until the end of time itself they didn't care.

They loved her so much everything about her. Hey beautiful lavender skin her long flowing hair and also her cute sassy attitude Amy was an amazing person or gem rather they wonted her they needed her

~45 minutes later~

After Ruby and Sapphire felt like they had enough resting they decided to get up and go after Amethyst again they looked at are there and smiled they both start heading in the direction they sell Amethyst run off in they looked for while ad then an hour later they found her.

She was asleep under a tree she slept quietly and peacefully the two walked up to her they smiled Sapphire sat down and put Amethyst head on her lap and Ruby sat down next to her. They looked at the small girl lovingly "we found her we found oír Amy Ruby"Sappy smiled at her lovingly"yea it looks like we did Sappy looks like we did"she smiled back at her But.

But lil did they know Amy was really awake the moment she was moved to sappy's lap she woke up but she was to sceared to open her eyes ad face the two 'I can't look them in the eyes my heart is just not strong enough to do that' she side to herself ste didn't hear what they side before about her she didn't even won't to know what they side thinking it was something mean or horrible she just kept her eyes closed but she couldn't stay like that forever(she can try)she they would try ad wake her sooner or later more then likely sooner.

Sapphires ad Ruby sat there with the small gem looking at her sleep (or so they thogth) they smiled at her ad Sappy rubbed her head softly ad Ruby smiled at the two"when she wakes we will tell her"Ruby side to Sappy smileling at her ad Amy. Sapphire put her hand on Rubys ad held it Ruby held her hand back"I won't to tell her"she looked at Amy lovingly.

Amy who was listing to them wonted to know what they were talking about .uy at the same time she was scared to do it to open her eyes ad look at them would they say they were lieing ad ir was a joke that they would never love her in ad thousand years what would thay say. There was only one way to find out.

She lifted herself up slowly. Ruby ad Sapphire who were looking at her smiled as she lifted herself up but.....she didn't look at them not even a a small glance they looked at one another they knew she was in pain. So they slowly walked in front of her ad sat down in front of her looking at her.

"Hi Amy" they both side to her she very slowly looked up at them her messy hair in her face as the wind blow the Red ad blue gem smiled at the site of her ocen blue eyes but she didn't smile back she side noting at all she just looked at them with a sad lil look she tryed to hid was she in that much pain that is was starting to feel noting but sadness what would Ruby ad Sapphire say now how would thay make her feel love agine this would be harder then they though.....

Oops another loophole what will happen next guess you'll have to wait ad find out hahaha...

To be continued

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