love worth waiting for

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I just want to say thank you to everyone who's read my garnet and amethyst book honestly I did not think it would work out but it looks like it is

A soft Winter Breeze blew in the cold of night it grazed against the cheek of a young girl she smiled at the touch tucking her long brown hair behind her ear are light brown skin shined in the light of the full Blue Moon she enjoyed the winter and the magic that happened during it tonight was a special night for her she sat down underneath a cherry blossom tree the petals Dancing In The Wind. Closed her once more relaxing against tree

"Hello Amethyst" a soft tone the young girl opened her baby blue eyes looking up at the figure next to her her eyes shining in the light of the full Blue Moon as she looked up with a soft smile"hello Garnet" she said in a soft tongue Garnet smiled at that short girl sitting down next to her under the tree the two smiled sitting together they had been lifelong friends since they were in kindergarten they knew everything there is to know about each other.

But of course everyone has their secrets even these two but knowing each other for years everyone had a secret they like to keep hidden whether it was embarrassing funny or anything some just like to keep it hidden tonight was the anniversary of when they had first met in kindergarten January 28th growing up together they would explore their the forest and under this cherry blossom tree was where they decided to make it their own little spot to come and talk both came here whenever they were sad or happy or just needed a friend

Even if it was just something random the two would come here they were in high school now you both in the 12th grade they were both seniors and equally smart except high school was harder for Amethyst considering she was the shortest girl in school and Garnet was the tallest but either way they were always there for each other Amethyst had always been bullied about her shortness Garnet had become somewhat of a cool kid but didn't acknowledge it always standing by Amethyst despite what everyone said about her the names they called her with cruel and mean and Garnet always defended her.

That was a true friend in every way possible Garnet was Noble amazing creative and unbelievably beautiful. Amethyst was kind smart warm-hearted and also very beautiful they both had good lives going up but around Middle School and freshman year of high school was when they had their troubles both were picked on always being called horrible names and sometimes both would just run away and burst into tears holding onto each other Garnet normally wasn't one to show emotion often she only stayed strong for the two of them especially for Amethyst.

Amethyst have always been the softer of the two of them she didn't like insults she didn't like problems she just loved to be with the people she loved most in the world her mother,Garnet her friend Pearl all of them she love them all equally but there was always a stronger connection between her and Grant one she never spoke of. Garnet of course was the strongest of the tale unless it was really bad did she ever show serious otherwise she just brush it off and move on with her life dying of course also love everyone amethyst and her two mothers Ruby and Sapphire Garnet was an adopted child just like Amethyst was that was the main thing that sparked their friendship knowing either one of them you were their real mother or father was but they didn't care they had an amazing life now and they had each other.

Amethyst leaned against Garnet's arm with a sad look on her face looking out at the Moon her wild hair flowed in the Wind making her look even more beautiful than she already was Garnet has softer red blush on her face looking down at the short girl laying against her arm she ever so slowly lifted her arm putting it around Amethyst her hand on her hip Amethyst blushed softly but didn't mind it Garnet removed her glasses she always wore putting them to a side finally being able to see her eyes she had one red one and one blue one though it was rare for people to have different colored eyes Garnet pulled them off beautifully Amethyst slowly lifted her head looking up into Garnet eyes with a small blush across her face but also a soft smile.

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