Let's Call It MECH-X5! Part 1

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Veronica's POV

"See you after school, honey." My mother smiled, and kissed my forehead. I gave her a fake smile, feeling butterflies in my tummy. Honestly, they could be real, cause I'm an alien. Yes, I am an alien and nobody knows. "Don't be nervous, I know it's hard to start a new school, but it's a part of life."

I sighed, gripping my back pack strap, "I guess, and thanks mom." I flashed a real smile at her, and opened the car door. I gave her one more wave and shut the door.

I watched her drive away, and I turned to the school. I read the sign, Bay City High.

"Here we go." I breathed and made my way inside. I had my schedule and everything, but I have no friends here.

I eventually found my locker, and opened it. I placed my bag in there, and I heard a voice. I looked up, and the innercome was speaking.

"Attention, students! This is Principle Gray, welcoming you to another exciting year at Bay City High! Go fighting Lamas!"

Everyone, but me, was chanting the name Mark, and I don't know why. I saw a bunch of taller, older guys walk into the hall, wearing football jackets. Oh, ok, that makes sense, he must be popular. I closed my locker, and sighed against it.

Great, another school full of popular football jerks.

"And go Mark Walker, he is awesome! And to our new students, I know starting high school can be stressful, my door is always open. And here's a fair warning, I'm a hugger!" I rolled my eyes at the principle. Try to hug me tight, and I will purposely bite you, enjoy my hug!

The principle continued to speak, but I blocked her out. I watched closely as the football team watched three guys around my age go to their lockers, the football team had smiles on their faces.

Oh no, this can't be good.

The three kids started to open their lockers, and the short one with the black hair tried to warn his friends, but it was to late. His friends opened their lockers and they got blasted with crap. Like, spaghetti, paper, peanut butter, underwear.

I stood there in shock, watching this. Everybody was laughing but me.

"Hurl Locker!" The football team exclaimed, laughing.

"Such jerks." I mumbled, shaking my head. I slowly walked up to the three boys, worried. "Hey, you guys ok?"

They looked at me, and just stared. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

"Uh, yeah." The darker skinned one replied. He took off the underwear from his face, and looked at what hopefully is peanut butter. "I really hope this is peanut butter in here."

The boy with the hat took the underwear, dipped his finger in, what I hope is peanut butter, and sucked his finger. Honestly, I wasn't disgusted, I'm an alien, I find nothing revolting.

He smiled, nodding. "Peanut butter cup. Get it?"

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Ok, so Mark wants to play pranks? I can do pranks." The tall, dark one shrugged.

"So, I'm Veronica, by the way." I smiled, shyly.

They looked at me, smiling a little.

"I'm Ryan." Darker skinned one greeted.

"I'm Spyder." The one with the hat winked. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm Harris." The shorter one added.

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