Let's Be Idiots

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Veronica's POV

I was supposed to meet with the boys at Mech-X5, but my mother and father told me to babysit my sister, because they went out for a little bit.

Little bit? It's been two hours since they left, what the heck could they be doing? Adopting another child?

I love my sister to pieces, but it gets annoying when she won't stop asking me to make her food.

"Onica!" She exclaimed from outside the bathroom door. "I want food!"

"Hold your horses!" I told her, as I wiped the dripping monster ooze that came from my arm.

Okay, I think I'm infected with the monster ooze. It's weird, whenever the primovist core lit up, my cut lit up.

Whatever, it's not important. I slide my sleeve down, covering it.

My sister continuously knocked on the door, I groaned and opened.

She quickly put her hands behind her back, innocently.

I crossed my arms, giving her a smug look.

"I have to go, Nikell. I will drop you off at your friend's house okay?" I told her, kneeling down.

"But I wanna go with you!" She protested, giving me her puppy eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Im gonna hangout with my friends, and they are all guys."

"To my friends house we go!" She changed her mind and ran to her room to get her shoes.

I chuckled, shaking my head. She does not like boys, at all.


After I dropped her off, I made my way to Mech-X5 to meet with the guys.

I used my skateboard and rode there, doing some tricks along the way.

Oh, did I forget to mention, I'm really good a skateboarding. Not to sound narcissistic or anything, but it's true.

There is this skating competition here in Bay City, but I'm not entering it, I just don't like showing off to people. Skating is my secret talent. My friends know I can skate, but not on a pro level.

I made it to the robot and entered it. I walked through the halls until I saw Mark walking by on his phone, he gave me a small smile and walked passed me.

Okay then.

I waked into the lab and saw Ryan, Spyder, and Harris.

"Hey guys." I greeted and they turned to me. They gave me smiles in return.

"Hey, V, where you've been?" Ryan asked.

"My sister. I had to babysit her." I told him.

Harris put his hand on Ryan's shoulder, "Hey, Mark might be right about the pressure. You should do something fun. Like you could sign up for this skate competition." Harris showed him his tablet, which showed the 'Bay City Skate Off'

"Yeah, but, after all the monsters and conspiracy. It's kinda hard." Ryan reasoned, stressed.

"Look, we all do things to relax. Mark hangs out, I invent." Harris explained.

I nodded, "I play video games to relax. Something about killing zombies, is just so satisfying."

"And I plan weddings. Terrible, terrible, weddings." Spyder added, and I rolled my eyes.

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