Ask Me Questions!

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Hello! So as you can tell by the title, I would like if you guys were to ask me questions. Ask me anything, expect don't ask for my number, email, personal information or anything related to that.

This story reached 29k, almost 30k, so I thought I would make this QnA thing because I can. I hope you guys actually ask me questions and I don't look like an idiot. I posted this on my Lab Rats story and decided to post it here too!

I will try to make a video of me answering the questions, but I have school next week and I'm starting dance again so I will see how it goes. If not, then I will just type my answers and post them. If I do a video then it may take a little longer because of my schedule, but I will try my best.

Ask any questions you want, expect for my phone number, email, home address or anything related to those. The video will be posted on here btw, and will also be posted on any story I have announced this on.

I love you all and thank you all for almost 30k reads!❤️

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