Let's Call It MECH-X5! Part 2

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Veronica's POV

Nothing much was said after that, I honestly was scared of what they would've said. I ran away, and didn't say a word to them for rest of the day.

Ryan, Spyder, and Harris texted me and called me that night, but I ignored them. I was freaking out so much.

I laid in my bed staring at the yellow ceiling of my room. I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Veronica?" I heard a small, fragile voice echo in my room. I turned my head and saw my little sister standing there, holding her teddy bear to her chest. "Can I sleep with you? I had a nightmare."

I smiled sympathetically at her, and made room for her. I patted the spot and she smiled at me. She walked over to my bed and she laid next to me.

"What was your nightmare about sis?" I asked, glancing out my window.

"My teddy bear ate me, and destroyed the city!" She exclaimed, with fear in her brown eyes.

"Oh, then why are you holding it-" I stopped talking, realizing something. I leaned forward and she was already asleep. "Why do I bother trying?"

I laid back down on my bed and closed my brown eyes.


After school the next day, I stood at my locker, taking my bag out of it. I closed it and yelped at the sight I saw in front of me.

"You scared me, Ryan!" I exclaimed to him.

"We need to talk." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the school.

"We don't need to talk!" I complained, struggling in his grip. Dang, he's strong!

I continuously tried to free my hand from him, but it wasn't working.

"Stop it!" I told him, angered. He pulled me behind a tree and gripped my arms, so I couldn't move. "Let me go!"

"Veronica listen." I turned my head, glaring. "Listen!"

I sighed, annoyed and faced him. Just now realizing how pretty his eyes are. "What?"

"We gotta talk about this alien thing. Why didn't you tell us in the first place?" He asked, letting go of my arms. I rubbed them self-consciously.

"I was scared of how you and the boys would react. You guys are the only ones who know. I'm sorry."

"Well, I think it's awesome that you are an alien. And the guys do too. They were worried about you and I was too." He replied, scratching the back of his neck.

I smiled, feeling my cheeks get warm. "It's just a normal reaction for an alien to freak out like that. Just don't tell anyone, I don't want to be experimented on."

"I promise I won't tell anyone, nobody is gonna get you." He smiled, and I returned it.


After that we went to the Mech-X5, and met up with the guys. I told them about why I ran away and they promised not to tell anyone. Ryan called his brother and told him about me.

Harris was trying to figure out who the creator of this robot was, with a face resignation app. I was playing with a little, rubber, bouncy ball I found at school. Yes it wasn't the cleanest, but who cares I've digested worms that were soaked in jelly when I was a baby.

"Still no match on the face resignation app. How is this possible? Who is this guy?" Harris wondered, grabbing his tablet and walking over to Spyder's desk. "What else did he want to say? It can be anything like? Press a red button and the robot explodes?"

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