chapter 54: perigee-syzygy

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a week later; beacon hills high school; end of school day

Since we found Mason, I've had a hard time letting him out of my sight. I'm scared that he'll get caught up in the middle of this again. Like Josh did...

A couple of days ago, Lydia found a very important clue as to who is taking the bodies. A deputy's name-tag, burned at the edges. Parrish's. He's the one that has been taking the bodies. Lydia and Stiles have been going to the woods trying to find the Nemeton, which is where Lydia thinks he's been taking the bodies. She says Parrish has talked to her about having dreams of taking a body to a tree stump in the middle of the woods. Nobody has told my Dad about Parrish. Actually, no one has told Parrish either. He seems to have no idea that he's the one doing this.

My brother and Lydia have had no luck finding the Nemeton, and Lydia is set on telling Parrish that he's been the one taking the bodies all along. It's always better when they know, Lydia said to Stiles when he tried to convince her not to say anything yet. The sooner they find the Nemeton, the sooner we find Josh and Tracy, and we can give their families some much needed closure.

Scott's been having asthma attacks. Not just for the past week, but for longer than that. No one had told me anything. They said they didn't want me to worry. I found out a few days ago when he had one in front of me. They are more frequent than before, and no one knows why.

Stiles is still acting distant. Whenever I ask him if he's ok, he gets defensive and then walks away from me. He's hiding something from me; I know that. I just don't know what.

Kira left Beacon Hills. She left with her mother to find help so that she can control her fox spirit, which now seems to be controlling her. She said that the Dread Doctors did something to her, and now she has to fix it. I don't know when she's coming back.

Malia has been looking for her biological mother for a while, but with everything that has happened she said she would stop looking for her, considering she's also very dangerous. But I don't think she's stopped looking for her and I don't know what she's planning to do if she finds her.

Derek has been out of town for a while. Doing what, I don't know but I hope he'll be back soon.

Theo and Stiles seem to finally be getting along. It's almost like Stiles trusts him now. It's weird.

But what I find even more unusual is Theo's sudden interest in Liam. They seem to talk a lot more than they used to, and whenever they see me they go quiet.

Everyone is distancing themselves from each other. It almost feels like we've all stopped talking to one another. Like we're all keeping secrets, calculating our every move so the other won't see what we've done. But while we are all pushing each other away as we're caught up in our separate problems, it seems like Theo is getting closer to everyone.

"Hey." Mason says, interrupting my train of thought. He approaches me with Corey at his side. "You hungry? We were thinking about going to eat."

"Yeah. Sure." I say closing my locker. "I'll go find Liam and meet you guys outside."

Mason nods, and begins to walk out with Corey.

There's a crowd still, we weren't dismissed too long ago. I squeeze past people, trying to get through. At the end of the hall I see Liam, Scott, Stiles and Theo.

I walk towards them but it seems like they haven't noticed me.

"It's a supermoon, which means it's gonna be closer to the Earth-" Scott begins.

"Yeah, I know what it means." Liam interrupts. "You going to chain me to the tree again?" he asks, anger in his voice.

"All I meant was, it might be a good idea if we stick together. So we can protect each other." Scott says.

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