The Beginning

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No one's POV

"Its been a long day." You murmur to yourself as you flopped down on your oh-so-comfy bed. You were tired from a long day at work with the boss having no chill when it comes to working and hours, especially when it comes to nightshifts. You didn't want to be only want to drown out the world and problems away with music. Music; in your definition was the cure to all if your problems. You loved a lot of different genres of music,but it was electronic music that took the cake,Especially the artists or DJs, But none of them compare to your favorite DJ Deadmau5 (Deadmouse).

You saw him in goat simulator and you decided to check him out. It only took one song, and you we're in love. You loved others as well, but you we're more of a Mau5 fan. It would be a dream come true if you met him,but alas it's only just a simple dream..

Author's note
Ok this is my very first story in here and I don't know what to expect so I thought I would give it a try. I know it's kinda short and shabby,but hey there's a first time for everything.

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