14. The One With The Spy

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Ch. 14


Ugly. That's how these deaths looked. Even if they were monsters and Giants, I'd killed them in a pretty brutal way. Usually I wasn't so violent, but End needed to realize that if he enjoyed pissing me off again then he should be prepared for the consequences. I could tell from the campers' faces that they were freaked out at my raw display of power and heartlessness. Oh well, apparently they don't understand the meaning of family. I chuckled darkly at that thought. Of course they didn't, otherwise I wouldn't have been kicked out.

"What was that! You have that kind of power?" Piper asked wide-eyed, pointing to where the fight had just ended.

"Yes, Ms Mclean. Of course, I do. I'm a member of the Primordial Council, second in power only to Lord Chaos. I'm not sure what else you were expecting from me." I replied with a raised eyebrow.

"You... What! Member of the Primordial Council? You mean the primordial Council?! When did that happen?!" Jason exclaimed.

"About 25 years ago. Why what's so shocking about that? You weren't informed about that by Chiron? " I said the last statement looking at Chiron.

''I'm pretty sure I would have told them if I was informed in the first place," Chiron said.

"What? So the Gods didn't tell you? Strange. Well. Now you know. So we're on the same page? "

"Of course we aren't! You being a member of the Council is beside the point! How could you deliver such a brutal death? You kill every monster so brutally?" Annabeth replied, looking at me like I was a disgusting piece of spoilt smelly food. That pissed me off. After all she had done to me, she had no right to judge me.

"Miss chase, if you've got a problem I'll leave. But I won't change my ways just because you are far too soft to do what needs to be done. Or perhaps you should leave, war is not for the faint-hearted." I said coldly.

She seemed taken aback at my cold outburst. She was about to say something but I interrupted

"You have no idea what Filos means to me. End dared attack him. And unfairly on top of that. My army is like my family, and he dared to attack that place as well. He needed to be reminded what kind of an enemy he was dealing with. Now if you'll excuse me, I don't have time for you, I need to train people to save their lives."

With that, I sped up to the training arena where the scheduled class was waiting for me, and I began teaching. The rest of the day was uneventful, boring. I was missing Skylar already. None of my missions were so long, and even if I was gone for a lengthy period of time, I didn't visit my ex-home where my ex-girlfriend and ex-teacher had banished me for the 'good' of others. I needed someone who could understand me. Of course there was Elmont, but he was busy. Since this place brought past memories he had taken most of my jobs on his head. All I had to do was train the bunch of campers assigned to me. Besides,the bond me and Sky had was a totally unique one, irreplaceable and unbreakable. I missed her so much. Her advice, her support, her laugh, her eyes that always sparkled with hope, her.. Everything. Just her presence gave me hope. Funny. This feeling.. Its like a deja vu. I felt the same when I used to miss Annabeth before my life spiralled into a mess. Wait, what? Does that mean.. No of course not, but... Is it possible? Am I falling in love with Skylar? Do I have feelings for her? Whoa... I need to stop thinking about this and concentrate on the war otherwise I'll go crazy. Anyway I just have to wait another day. I survive tomorrow, I can see her and my army the day later.

Right now, I need to address the problem Filos told me about. The Spy. I went to Chiron to request a meeting of cabin leaders ASAP. He agreed, and ordered a kid passing by to summon the head counselors in the ping pong table. I told him I'd be back in a minute, I had something to take care of. Army related stuff.

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