23. The One With The Resurrection

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Recap: I was about to say something, but the remaining immortal campers barring Thalia and Annabeth all stormed out of the place angry that I'd kept it away from them for so long. I sighed. When Skylar came to me to reassure me I politely dismissed her. "Please Sky, not now. I need some alone time." She nodded understandingly and I went to my cabin to sleep over the events of today. If they continued to be angry at me, tomorrow we wouldn't have unity. Now with Kronos gone and no reports on Gaea's involvement, End had to attack tomorrow. And if this is how things were going to be here, it would be a walk in the park for him to kill us all.

The next morning, I just woke up and was greeted by a great news from Elmont.

"Percy. Reports confirm that Kronos' death was a big blow, and our enemies weren't prepared for it. They need time to regroup."

"So what exactly are you saying El?"
I asked.

"What I'm saying is, reports have confirmed they'll be no attack today! We can realax for the day, get some training in, remake strategies and basically have a day off!" He said grinning.

"That, is the best news one could have in the morning." I said, to which he nodded, and wandered off to somewhere and practice.

Just then, I saw Thalia, Annabeth, Nico, Leo, Hazel, Jason and Piper all marching towards me. I still remembered how angry and disappointed they were yesterday, so as soon as I saw them, I began to apologize, but was interrupted.

"You don't have to apologize. In fact, that's what we're here for."

"Wait, so you're not pissed off at me?" I asked confused.

"Yesterday we were, but then we did some thinking and realized how wrong we were, so we wanted so talk to you about it." Jason said.

"You chose to reveal yourself at a time when you didn't know you'd live or not. That and the fact that you forgave us all gave us a fair idea that you considered us an integral part of your life." He said.

"And honestly after what we'd done, what we'd made you go through? That was more than we could've ever hoped for. So we were in agreement that it mattered that you'd always planned to tell us and you did, not when you did." Piper added.

"We made a huge mistake Percy. Gods, mistake doesn't even cut it. We thought it was only fair of us to give you your space after all we'd been through because of us." Nico said.

"Yeah Perce. Annabeth and Thalia told us wjat happened during your quest. We're cool man. In fact we should be the one apologizing."

"Yes Percy.I'm so sorry. You were my first ever friend at camp, and I failed you. Even I got carried away by what everyone was saying." Hazel added looking down in embarrassment and shame. Romans aren't used to apologizing.

"You have nothing to apologize for Hazel. Nobody does actually. Just like Leo said, we're cool." I smiled at them warmly.

"Nah Percy, after all this while, a smile won't cut it. Group hug!" Annabeth announced. And we all had a group hug. Me, Thalia, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel,Nico, leo. I noticed Frank wasn't there though. So I pulled out of the hug and asked them about it.

"He's beating himself up Percy. He thinks he failed as a Preator, as a friend, as a boyfriend, everything."

"What? He has no reason to feel that way Hazel."

"I tried to convince him that, but he won't listen."

"Don't worry, I'll go talk to him right away." I said.
Hazel had a greatful expression. I went to see him immediately. He was beating himself up just like Hazel said. He apologized again and again without even listening to me, so I did the only thing I could think of. I slapped him. He shut up. Mission accomplished.
"I probably deserved that." He muttered.
Ugh. Code red! Mission backfiring! Change in approach required.
"Yes you did." I said
That made him look at me straight in the eye. I could see the guilt eating at him. So I continued
That's right. I said it. Yes, you did deserve that. But not for what you think you've done. For what you are doing to yourself and others around you over it." I said. That got his attention.

"What do you mean? What an I doing to people around me? "

Just the words I was waiting for. I went on to tell him about my life, about his role in my life when I was at camp, about how great a friend he was. I made him remeber how he had led the group in the house kf Hades and then the Romans against Gaea. In the end, he agreed to move on. We bro hugged and just like that, everything was cool between us again. Mission finally accomplished. I sighed. Now that everything from my past was made peace with, I went to see my present. She was as beautiful as the morning sky, as mesmerizing as the night sky. She smiled when she saw me.
"Good morning Sky." I said and kissed her. She kissed back and wished me a good morning. We chatted about a few things, but just then the immortal campers returned. As soon as I saw them, I told Hazel "I talked to Frank Hazel, and it was a successful chat. He should be fine now."
"I met him, and he told me. Thank you Percy. But that's now why we came here."
"Then? What's it?" I asked.
Percy, as a welcome back to camp gesture and also to apologize, all the cabin leaders have organized a little party tonight in your honour. If you've truly forgiven the camp then be there Percy. It'll mean a lot to them and us." Thalia said.
"I'll be there Thals. I'd never miss such a sweet gesture for the world." I reassuringly smiled at her.
They all hugged me one last time and went their way, happy from the looks on their faces.
That day went by pretty fast. That night, I did go to the party. And I was met with many apologies, from the stolls, from Katie and everyone else who knew me back then. Even Chiron began an apology, but I told him he'd been like a father, and these things kept happening in a family. I hugged him then, and he hugged me back tightly.

"I missed you so much my boy." He said.

"I missed you too Chiron." I said.

The party went on for a few more hours. Everyone was coming up to me and shaking hands with me. They'd all heard stories about me. Even the Council's Army and the Army of Peace was invited. At one point Fritz caught me when I was alone and made me tell him everything. I trusted him, so I told him ina short version. Even the short version lasted about half an hour though. I then excused myself and decided to pay the Olympians a visit. I needed to tell dad personally. And that's exactly what I did.
I went to Olympus with my mask on and found Hestia there. I told her to call an urgent meeting. Once all the Gods had arrived, I cleared my throat and decided to get it over with. I removed my mask, and before they could say anything I told them about my life after I'd left. I told them that the I just told the campers about me. Dad got down from his throne and hugged me tightly.

"My son. I can't believe it. I missed you so much. After Sally, I was so sorry that I left both of you down."

"You didn't let us down dad. I did. I ran away. So don't apologize." I reassured.
A few apologies from both our sides and a few hugs later, we were back to where we were before I left. The gods were also surprisingly happy. For once Dionysis wasn't sleeping, Ares wasn't glaring at me and Zeus wasn't glowering at me. Most of them were in fact smiling.

"It's true what they say Perseus. You realize the importance of someone only after they're gone. But you came back, and are again responsible for saving us and our children. You have the our gratitude." He said.
Once all the pleasantries and all were exchanged and I bid farwell to everyone and hugged dad one last time, I left Olympus and got back to camp to prepare for the battle that would take place tomorrow. As soon as I reached though, Elmont and Skylar came rushing to me. And I had the feeling they came bearing bad news.

"What is it now?" I asked cautiously.

"Its bad. Reports have confirmed that End will be in the war tomorrow. And the campers aren't ready to face him Percy."

"It's difficult, but not unmanageable. We knew this would happen sometime. I mean c'mom, did you seriously think the main villain would do down without a fight just because we killed his sidekicks?" I asked incredulously.

"That's not it Percy, listen to him." Skylar said.

So I looked questioningly at Elmont and he promptly continued

"Reports confirm another sidekick of his will be joining the war Percy. Geae has reformed and is looking for revenge."

I just stood there for a minute waiting for them to say something like 'oh no we're just messing with you' or 'we have a weapon to kill gaea in a minute.. Some good news to make this news a bit less bitter, but nothing came.
"Styx. Bad is an understatement. We can't fight off two Primordials at once, that too with one of them being so powerful he's next only to Chaos, only marginally."


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