Chapter 5

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Sherlock's POV

I watched as she kept her full attention on another man. God, why did it make me feel so angry!?! Why do I care anyways!?! I only met her yesterday. Still, I should put an end to their little date.

John's POV

"Sherlock don't," I whispered as he stood up making his way over to Sarah. I watched as he said a few things before grabbing on to Sarah's arm and dragging her out. I quickly paid our bill before we ran out and grabbed a cab home. Once we got back we ran into Joanne and Sarah's apartment to find her and Sherlock fighting.

"How could you think about having a relationship when were in the middle of a case!?!?"

"Why the bloody hell do you care!?!?" Sarah shouted back.

"That is irrelevant to this conversation." Sherlock replied, although he did seem a little unsure of himself.

"Sarah," Joanne cut in, "I found this earlier." she continued handing Sarah a piece of paper. She read it and sighed in frustration.

"What is it" Sherlock demanded. Sarah simply glared at him before grabbing her scarf and walking out the door.

~3 days later~

"Any news from Sarah?" I asked as me and sherlock entered the girls apartment.

"No but maybe if someone hadn't listed her off she would still be here." Joanne replied glaring at Sherlock who rolled his eyes.

"Wasn't my fault if she overreacted"

"Overreacted!?!? You're the one who freaked out because she was having dinner with someone!" Joanne exclaimed. The door slammed and we all turned to see Sarah standing there, face dirty, bruises on her arms, scarf gone, and just looked terrible. Joanne walked over to her and did the unexpected, she slapped Sarah. "How dare you run off like that, god only know where you've been and what was I supposed to do if you need up dead!?!"

"Move on with life." Sarah replied with a shrug as Joanne smacked her again before tackling her into a home crushing hug.

"Do that agin and I'll kill you myself"

Sarah laughed. "Sure you will."

"So where have you been?" I asked as we all sat down in the living room.

"I ran into a gang I knew in Vegas called The Four. They had some info for me and they came along to help me check it out." Sarah explained.

"Wow, must have been important if they came all the way from Las Vegas."

"You have no idea." Sarah stated.

"You never did tell us who your date was." Sherlock stated. Sarah and Joanne looked at each other as if having a silent conversation before nodding.

"His name is Lee Hopkins and he's my brother."

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