The Shopping Trip

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Brian's POV

I stood in front of my closet contemplating on what to wear. I looked at my closet in complete and utter defeat. I couldn't decide whether to wear my button up shirt and khakis or my jeans and jacket. I sighed. I avoided the decision and decided to walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I brushed my teeth and tongue quickly. I sprayed my deodorant on and grabbed a T shirt and a pair of jeans out of my closet. I pulled them on and grabbed a pair of socks out of my drawer. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my Converse and slid my feet in one at a time. I grabbed my wallet off of my night stand and began to walk out of my room and closed my door. I started sprinting down the stairs and out of the front door. I locked the door and began walking to the car.
I saw Ian standing beside the car as he said "I thought you might have died because you took so long. Did you lock the door behind you?" I nodded and got into the passenger seat. He slid into the seat beside me and closed his door. We both closed our doors in unison and both began to buckle our seatbelts. We both know how important these seatbelts are because we've had a pretty bad history with them. Our parents didn't understand the concept of seatbelts.
Ian began to back out of the driveway when his camera began to beep at him, making me look at the small screen. There was a woman jogging by and acted as though we didn't exist. Ian looked over at me and we both shrugged.
I looked over at him and watched him as we drove down the road in silence. I decided to break the silence. "How's work going?" He shrugged and scrunched his face. "Not bad but not exactly great." I shook my head. "I'm sorry that you have to take care of me. I hate that I'm disabled in this way, I can't do anything right. You have to take care of me and I have ruined your life." He shook his head but kept his eyes in the road in front of him. "You have not ruined my life, if anything you've made it better. You make my life interesting. I know it isn't easy for you to live with a disability so I don't mind helping. You're my brother and no matter what you think, say, or do nothing will ever change that. You are perfect the way you are. I'm glad I get to call you my brother." I blush at his reply and smiled widely. " You're the best older brother a guy could ever have." I looked at him and watched as his cheeks began to turn red. I chuckled at this and turned my gaze onto the road. As I did he lifted his arm to put on the radio. Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay began to play through the speakers and I smile and moved along to the music.
Ian pulled into the parking lot of Target and drove around slowly to find an open parking spot. He saw one near the front and drove toward it. He slowly drove down the aisle toward the spot and parked as soon as we reached it. We both unbuckled and opened our doors. I got out and closed it. Ian closed his and we began walking side by side towards the front door. Ian threw his arm over his shoulder and clicked the key clicker to lock the doors and the car chirped in reply. We walked into the store with so much energy only to see the hustle and bustle of the many people in each checkout aisle.
We walked past all of them and to the jewelry section. We walked towards the sign hung from the ceiling and found a young lady beging the counter. I walked toward the sunglasses right near the same counter. I walked over and searched for a pair of aviators. Aviators are my favorite type of sunglasses because they compliment my face structure and hide both of my eyes perfectly. I smile as I turned the rack to find a whole side with aviator type glasses. I grabbed a pair of black ones and tried them on. I looked in the mirror and was satisfied with my new look. I turned to find Ian standing in front of the counter talking to the woman behind the counter. They both laughed as Ian put a small piece of paper in his pocket. I sighed as I walked over to him. He smiled at me. "You ready to go now?" I nodded and began walking to the self checkout aisle. Ian looked back at the woman and said "I'll call you tonight Sherry." I continued walking but cringed as I heard him say that.
I checked out and paid. Ian and I left the store and as soon as we stepped outside I put the glasses on my nose and smiled widely, feeling accomplished. We got into the car and did our ritual. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes behind the sunglasses that sat on my nose. I sighed. Ian was quick to see what was wrong with me. "I'm just tired and I things I'm going to take a nap when we get home." He didn't really know what to say so he apologized. I shrugged it off and closed my eyes once more.
"Hey! I have an idea, maybe we can get some lunch to bring home for later." I sat up and smiled. "That's the best dang idea I've heard all day." I almost yelled. He smiled and laughed. He drove us to our favorite Chinese restaurant and pulled into the drive through. The speaker sizzled and cracked before a shrivel voice could be heard saying "Welcome to Randomness and Rice how may I help you?" Ian cleared his throat and ordered. "I need an order of white rice, beef and broccoli, wonton soup, orange chicken, and an order of crab ragoons please." The woman replied with a "Will that be all?" And Ian replied with his usual "No thanks." The shrivel voice recited our order and told us to pull up the the window. We waited patiently waited for the woman to open the window and hand us our two bags of Chinese food. She took maybe 5 minutes to open the window and hand us our order. Ian as usual asked for more soy sauce. The woman reluctantly handed him a handful and smiled. He thanked her and shoved them into one of the bags of food. He smiled and began to pull out of the lot.
We got home after what seemed like minutes. I pulled myself out of the car and grabbed both bags of food, one bag in each hand, and closed the car door with my butt. I walked up to the door as Ian unlocked it and opens it for me. I walk over to the counter and set the food down. I walked back to the door and took off my shoes. I sighed and threw myself onto the couch. I got comfortable and closed my eyes. As soon as I thought about sleeping I was already asleep.

Okay, I know I don't update often and I apologize. School is stressful and most of the time I'm drowned in school work so I have a hard time making time for writing. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day! Stay tuned for some more SsundeePoo.

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