Who or What is Eve?

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"Well I better get going, I don't want our Eve to be running off while we're out."


I tilt my head confusingly as he gently kissed my hand again, he smiled gently at me.

"We'll meet again Yumi."

Then Ruki left the library leaving me curious about him.

We'll meet again? What does he mean? Who is he? And who is this Eve he's talking about?....

Yumi's POV:
After Ruki left the library, I got very suspicious about him when he mentioned about this person called Eve. I decided to follow him not caring about my second period.

I secretly followed him outside where he's with three mysterious men. One with messy brown hair, the one with dark hair and a red hat, and the man with the blonde hair that I recognized.

Wait, isn't that...Kou?! Japan's the most famous idol?! What is he doing with Ruki and the other two men?

As I carefully take a closer look, I started to listened to their conversation.

Ruki's POV:
While we're outside, all of us started talking about the Eve project with Yuma asking me about Eve.

"So this is how we are going to be? Babysitting Sow?"

He snorted with Kou trying to calm him down.

"Hey Yuma kun! Chill out, we're going to be done with Eve's blood once it's done we can throw away Eve in the dumpster just like how humans made to be dead."

Then I spoke to Kou earnestly.

"No, we need Eve's blood to complete the project, if not, none of us will become Adam."

"Yes...we need....Eve's blood..to become..Adam..."

Azusa slowly nodded as all of us agreed to gain Eve's blood in order to become Adam.

Yumi's POV:
I listened to their conversations carefully trying my best not to move a muscle. I then got curiously about what they've said.

What are they talking about? What is this Eve project that their talking about? And who is this Eve that they're mentioned of?

I asked myself tilting my head curiously about this "Eve" they speak of until I heard a growl from behind.

"Oi Sow."

I lightly flinched as I slowly turned to see the man with brown messy hair that I spotted.

"Hey I just ask you a question. What the hell are you doing here Sow?"

I then gazed strictly at the man with my glasses pushed up.

"It's impolite to ask somebody like that, does your mother taught you how to act like an obnoxious brat."

"Oi what was that you annoying little Sow?!"

"Hey Yuma kun, what's with all the noise?"

Just then Kou appeared upon Yuma where he looks at me blinking at me twice.

"Hm mneko chan? Why are out from our house? Bad kitties like you should be punished."

He said deviously while faking a smile.

"Who are you calling mneko chan you utterly deplorable man?"

I said coldly with the idol looking shocked by my words but then reverts back to his smirk.

"Hmmm...mneko is becoming a stubborn woman eh?"

"A very stubborn Sow."

The man with brown hair snorted as I looked at him with contempt.

"And I told you that it's not polite to call someone with such vulgar names."

He then grabs me by the shirt glaring at me while I stood there unfazed by his intimidation.

"You got a lot of nerves talking back to me sow!"

"Get your filthy hands off me you scum!"

I then smacked him across the face with Kou and the man with the red hat shocked by what they've seen.

"Wow...Eve is...strange today...."

"I agreed Azusa kun, Eve is starting to become more interesting."

While the two are watching from afar, the man with brown messy hair slowly gets up glaring at me.

"Why you little-"

He was about to punched me, but I immediately blocked his punches and flipped him over to the ground with Kou laughing at Yuma's misfortunes.

"Wow that's awesome, nice one Yuma kun!"

"Urusei! I just lost that's what!"

"Yuma, that's not Eve."

Ruki came over to us with Yuma getting confused.


"She's just a girl that I talked with at the school library."

"Ehhhh? I never seen Ruki kun talking to a girl before."

Kou said amused by his behavior.

"It's not what it looks like."

Ruki said emotionlessly with Kou teasing him more.

"Awwwww Ruki kun, you don't have to be shy about it! We understand!"

"That's not what I meant!"

While Ruki and Kou are arguing, I then spoke to them politely.

"Well it's great meeting you all, but I have to get to class right now."

"Uh wait!"

He yelled but I ignored him running as fast as I can.

Ruki's POV:
After Yumi ran off as fast as she can, I stood there curiously looking at the young woman where I questioned about the young woman.

Who is this woman?...who are you Yumi?....I hope we meet again Yumi....

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