Welcome to Rapture

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(Harry's POV)

Today was a good day, my "family" was going to the beach, and because no-one could take me...well, I got to go too!
Poor miss Figg was sick and couldn't take me, my horrid aunt Marge refused to have anything to do with me when she wasn't forced to be in the same house as me, so Vernon and Petunia where forced to take me with them because we where going to be there for a week and they didn't trust me alone in their house.

 I was going to have fun, this was the first time I was ever going to be at the beach, this was the first time I was ever going to be near water that I can swim in. I had to be careful not to let my excitement show because if Vernon knew that I was excited he would not approve of me going and would lock me in the room of the hotel for the week. 

The road to wherever we were going was rough, and to be honest the place I was sitting was not the greatest, see freaks don't get to have a seat on the seats of the car so I was forced to sit on the floor of the vehicle where Dudley kept throwing food at me...and whatever else he find. This is fine, I was used to this kind of treatment it's nothing different like at the house, in my cupboard, he could be quite the spoiled brat. It was annoying after the first 3 hours though but I was fine I got used to it, at some point I think I managed to fall asleep which helped . . . sort of.

***Time skip...3 hours***

   I stretched carefully as to not pull anything, and slowly got out of the car, we had just arrived at the beach and to be honest I was very giddy but I was very careful to not let it show too much. Aunt Petunia And Dudley where far ahead of me and Vernon, Vernon turns slowly to face me, he glares and says 

"Alright freak listen up, the only reason you are here, right now, is because no one else take your sorry ass so here's the deal, you play nice, you do what my boy says, you do it without arguing you do it without throwing a fit, and in return you get to . . ." he growls the next part out. "Have FUN."

He puts emphasis on the word fun as if it hurts him to say it, as pure mention of the word to me is worse been getting a third degree burn all over your body... I nod my head quickly show that I understand . Vernon doesn't like... Vernon doesn't like me that much we know... but he doesn't like it some reason when I respond with words, it's like he doesn't want to acknowledge that I am even a human I don't understand why and ... to be honest really care this is something I grew up with my whole life almost so to me this is normal.

Noticing that Vernon quite a bit away from me I shake away my thoughts, and run quickly catch up with him staying just a few feet behind him. he turns his head the glare at me as if every wrong in the world is my fault I don't blame him.

Soon enough I find myself in the locker room I quickly pull off the tattered rag of a shirt in the over-sized "second skin" of pants throw them into the locker next to the one Vernon is using the second hand, tattered, old, stained "swim trunks" I'm using are not very comfortable, but I don't mind, my excitement increases tenfold as I can now smell the water, hear the seagulls, the children and adults, laughing and having fun.

I wait politely for Vernon to go first and after he slowly makes his way out of the small doorway (for him) I carefully hiding what i can of my excitement step out of the locker room and on to the sandy shore

The sand is warm underneath my bare feet the sky is bright with, the sparkle of, the suns rays. It is just beautiful out here I wish I never would have to leave. Noticing that Vernon had off and disappeared I excitedly make my way to the bright blue water...I don't know how to swim but it didn't matter, all that mattered is that I could have fun without punishment...Carefully I take my first step into the water, it's cold but not so cold it would be purely unpleasant to go any deeper then I already was. Slowly, I step into the water going deeper ever so slowly with each step, eventually I am up to my waist in the cold water but at this point the cold doesn't really bother me, I've gotten used to it.

After a bit I'm happily enjoying the water slowly treading as I get my footing, teaching myself how to swim. At one point I am so far out but it is hard to see the sandy bottom below me I giggle with excitement, 'This is so cool'  I think to myself the way the water makes it feel as if I am in zero gravity, the way I float, it's such a peculiar feeling, it makes me giddy.

Suddenly a shadow casts itself over me I turn to see what is blocking the sun to see Dudley right behind me with a huge, dumb grin plastered on his face, he chuckles lowly putting a feeling of dread in my stomach, and out of nowhere he pushes me down, holding me under the water, with the surprise I had no time close my mouth, and water quickly fills my lungs, I scream, watching the last bubbles of air leave my body, I scratch at his arm hoping to get him to release but he doesn't, my dull nails do no damage.

My body feels like it's on fire, my lungs is screaming for oxygen yet none comes to its aid 'oh God, oh god, oh god... he's going to kill me, he's not going to let me live!' I think in desperation, suddenly a voice fills my thoughts 'You will not die today Harry.'  The Voice speaks echoing throughout my mind I can barely process what the voice said as my body is slowly dying.

Suddenly with a crack of thunder I am no longer underwater oxygen is around me and I cough getting the water out of my lungs so it could be replaced with oxygen.


A/N hey look a better first chapter...hehe...this had it coming for a long time...

feel free to point out any mistakes you see

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