headaches and new developments

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A/N hey i'm not dead anyway here is a new chapter


(Harry's POV)

"Ugh." Waking up on something cold and hard with a headache to rival a gods wrath and my stomach squirming...Wait my stomach wasn't squirming something was squirming inside it.

Wait just a second..."uughhhhh." My headache reached an all time peak from thinking. I force my eyes open to try and see where I am and all I see is metal sitting up slowly I look around while trying to ignore my headache. I'm in a large room with lots of holes in the walls that look like I could fit through...that's about it really it's pretty boring in here. scutching over to the wall behind me and leaning back to get as comfortable as I can I decide to wait for something to happen.

(Hours later)

*Plink..,plink..,plink.,plink,plink,plink,plink,plink*(A/N:this countues for awhile)

Waking up to the sound of water droplets hitting metal is not a good way to wake up. Opening my eyes with a determination to stop the noise I realize that I'm in the same room from before but the room wasn't dripping before that's when I notice the large puddle in the middle of the room *Plink, plink, plink* Getting up slowly I move over to one the holes in the wall realising that I can see light from the end of the hole I try calling out "He-hello? Is anyone there?" I say in a hoarse voice from a lake of use not hearing a response I move to another one that I can't see light at the end of... still I try calling out'"hello? Is anyone there?" After a moment I hear.

 "Little brother? hold on I'm coming up." A female voice response. after a moment a head appears it looks like it belongs to a little girl but it has glowing eyes. I move out of the way of the hole so she can get through. "We weren't expecting you to be up so soon". Jumping down from the hole she says "So whats the problem?"*Plink, plink, plink, plink, plink* "...Oh that." She looks up "Do you know if there is a bolt or screw somewhere?"

 "N-no I woke up to the noise and called out for someone." I said hesidentoly. I was so cunfused I wanted to be scared of her but I couldn't bring myself to I only felt coriosity and a little hesitation but not fear.

"That's okay we'll just have to find it...are you okay?" She asked like she was truly conserend. 

"W-why do your eyes glow?" I ask softly scared of being punished. 

"They glow because of all the adam we colect...you haven't been out to find an angle yet your eyes are starting to glow it's just a diffrent color." She says coriosity lining her voice.

"W-wait w-what? they are?" I say with fear as i move over to the puddle to try and see for my self. *Plink,plink,plink* in the wavy water that is the puddle i can see my self with faintly green glowing eyes.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you'll have to wait till next time

little brother (a harry potter/bioshock crossover fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now