Subject Delta

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"You should be more careful with the new ones." A deep male voice rang out, it was echoey which made it hard to pinpoint. I began to look around frantically trying to locate the source of the voice from my spot on the shiny wood floor the consoler shot me a concerned look, and a deep laugh rang out, almost like trying to laugh in the back of your throat. This time I managed to catch the large daddy doing a motion that could correspond to the laughing that is ringing in my ears.

"You can speak?!" I said to the large daddy both alarmed and surprised. Immediately the laugh stopped and the daddy straightened out and focused the gaze of his yellow porthole at me, I also heard the consoler gasp at that statement.

"You can hear him/me!?" Both the consoler and the daddy exclaimed surprised at the same time. "Am I not so-post to?" I asked head tilting to the side with confusion. 

"No, not unless...wait do you think?" The consoler starts, her yellowish glowing eyes seem to glow just a bit brighter. "It is a possibility but..." The daddy starts his yellow porthole almost seems to darken just slightly. "Young one, could you come here for a moment?" His voice reverberates in my mind, its full of curiosity. 

Nodding my head I carefully rise to my feet, the consoler backing away from me a few steps. I take the few steps towards the daddy and suddenly I am very nervous, the daddy is a pretty tall creature, pretty intimidating compared to my small size. 

"Hello young one, do you have a name I can refer to you as?" The daddys sudden voice in my head makes me jump. "Um..." For some reason I was having trouble recalling my own name but after a few minutes of thinking I remembered my name. "H-Harry." I say looking up at the daddy's face to see if he had a reaction.

My vision blurs and, suddenly I was full of fear. Fear of him hating me, or hurting me. Fear of being abandoned, left to die in a hole somewhere. And worst of all I was scared, terrified, a heart clenching fear, but I didn't remember why or where these fears where coming from. In the back of my mind, I hear a soft low growl and, after refocusing my eyes I see the daddy's porthole has taken on a soft red tint. 

Suddenly, The daddy drops onto his knees and puts one of his large gloved hands on my shoulder carefully. " I will NEVER hurt you, young Harry." He tells me and I can feel the truth in his words, "I don't know what made you think those things, but trust me I will protect you with my life should it come to that." At the end of his sentence he put his other hand on his suit like he was making an oath.

"W-wha-wh a-a-a-a what, d-do I call y-you?" I had to ask the question, it was bugging me not having a name or a title for the daddy. At first he is quite, like he's thinking, then suddenly he laughs, a good warm laugh but I still jump. When he calms down he wipes the area just under his porthole like he's wiping away a tear. "My true name was lost to time a while ago, The sisters call me by my project name, Subject D.3.L.T.A. but most simply call me Delta, young one."

"Delta, Deeellltaaa" I roll the name on my tongue, it feels right. Delta seemingly approving of my reaction pushes himself back into a standing position. Once he has settled I opt to look at my surroundings, not having expected anything to change from the drab ballroom I find myself nearly falling over at the brightness of the room, it looked like I just time traveled back to when this underwater haven was in its prime. Over at the other end of the ballroom near the entrance doors, which where now colored gold and copper compared to their black and dark green I saw earlier, I could see a few people, men I think, rich-looking men.

My eyes hurt from how wide they where, I was spinning around trying to look at every thing the ballroom had to offer. Red and purple streamers decorated white marble pillars along the sides of the ballroom, a few even decorated the ceiling. The floor was a white wooden board of some kind with dashes of yellow and purple dyed boards creating a swirling effect on the ballroom floor. Small groupings of adults around long white clothed tables with fancy looking food was sprinkled around the large room. 

Finally, done looking at the whole room at once, I look back at the consuler and delta to see, the consulers eyes lit up with amusement, and while I could not tell deltas facial expression threw his mask the port hole was a light green, which I assumed meant amusement.

"Wha-" I started before being interrupted by the consuler. "Welcome, little brother to The Ballet"


Next chapters here!, sorry for the wait!, next thing I do to this story will proboly be fixing up some of the prior chapters so its a bit more bearable to read!

See ya'll next time!

P.S. the chapters abit shorter then I wanted but I think I did pretty good! feel free to point out any major mistakes you find, and someone please tell me how to spell consuler!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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