Training a new life

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A/N life hates me.....if life was a person i would take a knife and shove it down lifes throat and watch as they died slowly...sorry got a little dark there...oops....

Climbing onto the monster with caution I manege to get a decent look at it. It was humanoid and almost looks like a large man in a diving suit, it looked to have eight yellow 'eyes' and a large drill on one hand. With a raspy breath it begins moving.

"W-What is this c-creature?" I say hesentoly

"They are big daddy's, our protectors, here to help, to...keep us safe at the expense of their life." the girl replied.

"Oh..." I say letting a comfortable silence fill the air between us, with only the sound of the big daddy's footsteps and the occasional quite banging noise.

***Time Skipe***

After some time we stop in front of a shiny hole in the wall the counselor skillfully climbs off the big daddy and into the hole, she stops just inside the hole and tells me to follow her. Being careful I slowly make my way over to the hole, but when I try to climb in a loud banging noise goes off and the big daddy straightens out, roars a mechanical roar as the drill on its hand comes to life, the counselor quickly grabs my hands and pulls me in the hole where we tumble down a short drop and pop out in another room.

The room is pretty big with raised platforms and large boxes scattered about.

"Harry, this is where we will train you in our ways and how to survive in this world, first we will have to get you out of that's see what I can find." The counselor says as she turns to one of the boxes and starts sorting threw it. While she does that I look at the oversized tattered and torn shirt I was wearing, thinking it was fine I look around the room looking for something I may have missed, which is nothing.

"Ah-ha! found it!" the counselor calls suddenly as she jumps down from the box bringing a blue dress, the top bit was a light blue and the bottom bit was a darker blue. "Here put this on!" The counselor says pushing the dress towards me, shrugging I take the dress, turn around and walk behind a nearby box to change.

****A few min latter****

The dress was not hard to put on, however it did have multiple layers underneath the top one all different shades of blue.

slowly walking out from behind the box my now bear feet making soft noises on the metal floor I make my way to where the sister was and she was still there waiting for me


A/N I AM SO SORRY FOR THE HORRIBLE WAIT and now the bad has been bad to me lately and i didn't want to make you lovely people wait to much longer *sweatdrop* im trying the best  can to get these out for you....i want to say the next one will be out soon...but the last time i said that was a while ago and this is the promised chapter...

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