Welcome Back

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Almost a month had passed since I last saw Ridley. I had taken the short cut multiple times to work but he hadn't been out on the bench. Maybe he moved? Or maybe he just is limited on when he could go outside? I hadn't wanted to speak to him, just to catch a glimpse of the face that haunted my dreams. My mother couldn't tell me anything more about him because, of course, her job prohibited it.
This day may be different. It was another rainy day and I got up early to take the short cut. Early because if I saw him, I might just say something. I thought of apologizing for telling him to have fun catching his death. I may be a bitter person but I am not heartless. I grabbed an umbrella this time, a recent purchase, and headed out the door.
I left the rain drop onto my face for a moment and closed my eyes. He had said he enjoyed how it felt, and I could understand why. Even though it was cold, it had a sort of soft feel to it. When you focus on nothing but touch, everything becomes different. However for Ridley this wasn't a choice. I opened my eyes and continued on the path of the short cut to work. I popped the umbrella open and hoisted it above my head.
I had many questions for him. Was he born blind or was it something that happened? I assumed he was blinded later in life because one, he didn't seem used to doing things. When I realized he was blind and watched him in the café I realized he had done things in am awkward manner. He wasn't fluid in his motions, they were stiff and static. Two, he was a patient of my mother and she dealt with people who had issues to work out. Maybe he was learning to cope with being blind after being born with his sight? Also I wondered about his assistant. She was embarrassed of him spilling coffee and people seeing, but not embarrassed of him having clothes with stains on them?
I rounded the corner and was prepared to see him sitting on the bench, dazzling in the caress of the rain. I was excited to see his messy soaked brown hair, unfocused eyes, and silly gapped smile. When I focused on the bench, it was empty.
My heart squeezed. I realized I was looking forward to seeing him. Something I never let myself do was get my hopes up, yet here I was. I had said I didn't even want to see him or that I just wanted another look, but I was lying to myself.
I lost any and all want to serve people in the grease ball so I collapsed the umbrella and tossed it on the bench. I'll get sick for all I care. I didn't the last time.
Giving one last hopeful glance around me, I settled it in myself that I would not see him again and that I had to wipe him from my mind. I trudged on, not knowing exactly where I was going. My mind still danced around thoughts of Ridley so I went to the café to reminisce on the last time I had and would ever see him.
I bought my usual, dark roast-drop of cream-two scoops of sugar. I sipped it and sat at the table Ridley had sat at, in the seat his assistant sat that day. I sighed and sat my cup down on a napkin and stared at the vacant seat. I was sure the thing that captivated me.so much was the fact he was blind. I couldn't care less about any other guy. It wasn't even the.fact that he was a guy. I had never met a blind person.
It wasn't like he was some magic act I wanted to be entertained by, I was genuinely interested in his story. It must be difficult. I heard that they make out mental maps in their mind. It must be really hard when he goes to an unfamiliar place. Now that I thought of it, he didn't use anything to guide him. He may have had it with him, but he relied on the woman to be his lead. He had full trust in her. Something I will never have with another person.
My gaze shifted outside where I saw a familiar blonde head bobbing underneath a red umbrella. Next to her, there he was. I felt my jaw drop. He hadn't moved then. In a rush of excitement, I left my barely touched coffee and flew outside. I planned on shadowing them to see where they went and observe the way he acted.
I had never followed anyone like this in my life. Is this stalking someone? Could I be arrested for this? Surely not, it was a one time thing. Just simple and pure curiosity. But isn't that what they say killed the cat? Boo hoo, cry me a river, I'm not a cat.
I followed them into the rural part of the city, into one of the prettiest parks. I shook my head, I'm sure the kid would love to see it. What a complete shame. He had his arm hooked with his assistants arm as she led him under the umbrella through the gates. Barely anyone was in the park today, it was mostly hardcore runners who wouldn't miss a workout because of a little rain.
I was regretting dropping my umbrella at the bench where I had seen Ridley. I was starting to shiver. Just a little bit more then I would turn around and go home to warm up. I had lost sight of the two a minute ago while I had been focused at a man who was running but dropped his ipod in a puddle. He cursed and picked it up and started his workout once more, but he was more rushed I'm assuming because he wanted to save his ipod.
After turning another bend in the path I saw Ridley alone sitting on a bench without an umbrella, his assistant nowhere in sight. I slowly approached him and sat down quietly beside him. The cold rain immediately soaked through my clothes and I shivered. This seemed to have registered with him and he faced me.

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