Chapter 3

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I couldn't hide any longer, I couldn't keep it a secret from him any longer.

"What do you want to know?" We both sat on the floor, across from each other.

"Tell me what happened while I was gone, tell me everything, please." He looked me straight in the eyes and begged me, and I couldn't say no.

"It started before you left, I was bullied, it wasn't too serious, a couple nasty names here and there, shoving and pushing around. It was nothing, but the day you left, it went from okay, to hell." I took a deep breath, getting rid of the memories out of my head.

"People told me I was worthless, a bitch, a whore, and a fucking slut. I haven't even had my first kiss yet, no sex, and I wore a hoodie and jeans almost everyday, it didn't make sense. It got much worse, and I was slowly starting to believe them." I took another deep breath and started again.

"Nobody cared, nobody cares. After a month after you left, I started to slip, I developed a disorder, I started to let the terrible things grow inside me, it wanted free, but it was stuck inside me. I couldn't do anything, everything was sticking in my head, and I became my worse enemy." A tear slipped from my eye, but I quickly blinked it away, not wanting to cry infront of Luke.

"I c-can't say more..." I tried to smile, but it wouldn't work.

"Destiny..." Luke got up from his position and moved towards me, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry...." It sounded like Luke was about to cry, now I really couldn't cry, I'm tired of it.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay soon." 

Luke didn't let go, and for once, I didn't want him to let go either. I had a feeling, as if a puzzle, finally got completed. It felt good to have your missing piece back with you again.

"I love you Dessy, please don't forget that." I nodded and smiled.

"I love you too, Luke." When he finally did let go, his eyes were red and he coughed.

"Go to bed Luke, I'll see you when you wake up." I sighed and he nodded, leaving the room. I gently closed it and just like that, my somewhat happy mood vanished.

Silent cries led to loud cries, leading to sobbing.

I didn't really know why I was crying, probably because of all the emotions from the past coming back. I never want to remember those tragic days, the start of my new life with a monster growing and haunting me, I don't want to remember because I don't want that to be me.


Luke pov

"What's wrong?" I turned my head back to see Michael behind me.

"Uh, nothing's wrong, why are you awake? I thought you were sleeping." I opened the door and went back inside the room.

"Well, I thought you were sleeping, then I saw you leave the room to go somewhere, and now I find you like this, crying, seriously what's wrong?" That's when I cracked. I started to cry, and I usually don't cry, this is one of those rare moments.

"She's not the same girl I said goodbye to at the airport!" I yelled into my hands, "She's been in this living hell and I couldn't do anything about it! I wasn't there to help her! She's not happy anymore." Michael's eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" I lifted my head from my hands and took a breath.

"I don't want to talk about it right now, I'm going to bed." I walked over to my bed and tried to go sleep. Michael already fell asleep, I could tell from his loud snoring, but I was left awake, I couldn't fall asleep. Everything Destiny said, it stuck to me, I had a feeling in my stomach, that maybe it was my fault. If I didn't leave, she wouldn't be like this, she would be okay, she would be happy.

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