Chapter 8 - Feel something so right doing the wrong thing

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"Hey Sam! How you feeling?"

I looked up and saw Gemma in the doorway. I sat up slightly. I thanked God I had put on a top and my underwear. She came into the room and pulled off her shoes before snuggling into the bed with me. She kissed my forehead.

It had been four days since I had first woken up since the date and I hadn't managed to speak to my friend properly. Andy had kept me away as his. The fact I was still feeling like shit meant our exercise really took it out of me so I slept quite a lot of the time. This was the first day I was actually up on my own.

"I'm ok," I replied, "Just tired. I keep having nightmares. I can't sleep."

"Yeah me too," She replied, "That's why I kinda want you back in my room. Just so if either or us wake up screaming we have each other. I've even thought about sneaking in here at night..."

She trailed off. She was as scared as I was. The difference between us is if that happened to me right now, I had Andy to comfort me and dreaming of him was distracting me. He had done it almost every night, holding me close and whispering nothings into my ear as I sobbed into his chest. Gemma didn't have anyone to hold her and hush her back to sleep. I hugged my best friend tightly and we lay there sobbing. Her tears dropped onto the pillow and I saw the black mascara. I looked at her face and laughed bitterly and she did the same when she realised why.

"God I look like a panda!" She whimpered.

"You could probably still pull!" I laughed.

"Speaking of which, dad is apparently going on a date right now," She said excitedly, "Lets hope it goes better than ours."

I smiled but my heart sunk. I was stupid to think that this would be exclusive. I was just the toy he got to play with behind closed doors while he publicly showed off his car to the world. I knew deep down I was being used and I guessed I was ok with that because in a way I was using him too. I felt a deep devotion to him but it wasn't like we had gotten to know each other in between sex. It was just sex. The closest we got was him explaining DDLG but he had never said he would be exclusive, just I want this to work bullshit. So hearing him go on a date hurt.

"You ok?" She asked.

I nodded, "Just hungry."

Gemma smiled, "Come on then! I'll whip up some fish finger sandwiches!"

She crawled out of bed before helping me out too. I was greeted by a sharp cold air and floor. I laughed to myself to think that I hadn't really touched the floor and walked around properly in days. Andy had lifted me almost everywhere. We wandered into the kitchen and I sat down at the breakfast bar while Gemma grilled the fish fingers and buttered the bread. She laid out the fish in rows across the bread before squirting a generous helping of tomato sauce onto and sliding the dish towards me. I took a bite and my taste buds were transported to my idea of heaven. This was hands done my favourite meal. Goodbye fancy restaurant! This was five star.

"God this is amazing!" Gemma moaned next to me, "I love how the butter melts from the heat of the fish!"

"Oh god it's that the best fucking thing ever!" I replied.

"I'm glad dad is out tonight!" Gemma declared, "So let's take these bad boys to the living room and watch a bit of Magic Mike XXL!"

"Oh god!" I laughed, "Gemma you know how to turn me on!"

"Don't I though," she winked.


After watching Magic Mike and spending half and hour deciding whether to watch twilight or pirates of the Caribbean, we were now watching the closing scene of Bridget Jones' diary laughing together. The picture of (im)maturity. We snuggled under the blanket. Her in her sexy one piece lacy body suit and me in my chocolate is my boyfriend pyjamas.

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