Chapter 7 - Training on the job

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"So how does this work?" I whispered.

It was the day after he had brought me into his world of BDSM and DDLG. I sat in bed for once in my own clothes and he in sweatpants and a granddad shirt. Even in something so normal he looked divine.

He swallowed, "Well normally there would first be a verbal or written contract before this begins to make sure of your limits..."

"Limits?" I asked.

"Yes. DDLG like any form of BDSM is simply dominate/submissive role play. So in other words you submit all autonomy to me so I can dominate you," he explained.

A split second of panic flashed across his face. I had assumed that Kylie understood all this before they embarked on their sexual journey. I wasn't completely naive but I knew I had to fully understand what I had agree to do and to be.

I reached over and took his hand reassuringly and smiled, "You said yourself I'm submissive."

He smiled weakly, "Its been a long time since I went though all this." He sighed, "The biggest thing you need to know is as the submissive you are the one who actually holds all the power. As dominate I can do whatever I want to you but the second you reach your limit I have to stop. Anything you term as a hard limit I can't do under any circumstances..."

"Hard limit?" I asked.

"Something you say that you absolutely won't try, like for example knife play," he explained, "A soft limit is something you would be willing to try in less severe doses, which is where safe words come in."

"Why do we need safe words?" I muttered, "Surely I can just say stop."

"You can," Andy smiled, "But the amount of time you cry don't stop or stop and don't mean it is uncountable." Blood flooded my cheeks, "Where as a safe word will be something that unmistakably means stop."

"What like pineapples," I laughed.

"Something with one syllable is probably best," Andy replied.

"What about rain?" I said.

He kissed me quickly, "Perfect."

"What's breath play?" I asked.

"It's where you get slightly choked in order to bring out a more intense orgasm," he replied.

I swallowed, "oh....ok...another .....errr....would we be using ... toys?" I whispered the last word.

"Well considering this is your first time doing anything I wouldn't press anything onto you at the moment," Andy explained.

"Or into me," I said under my breath.

He laughed, "Or into you." I blushed again. "And besides, even if I wanted to I couldn't. Kylie made me throw seventy percent of the stuff away ten years ago and the remaining is still with her."

The thought of Kylie owning Andy's collection made me shiver. The woman always made me feel insignificant and useless. I couldn't imagine her submitting to anyone, even for role play. Andy took my shiver as something else.

"Even if I did have the stuff I would bin it and start again," he said quickly, "Its all sanitary but part of the fun for me will be taking you shopping for toys."

I swallowed, "Why?"

"For that reason," Andy explained, "To see the timidness on your face. And also so you can choose what you want."

I breathed. This was so much to take in. Ten minutes ago we had kissed each other good morning and it almost seemed like we were a married couple. Now we were exploring domination rules.

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