Pirate Davis

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I come home from work (which was a Company dedicated to making software) I lay my bag on the couch and think about last night. Pirate was so gorgeous it was hard to believe he was even the same person in the interview, he sounded like Jon when he sang but only a hint of it.
I look at the time on my phone, 4:30, Raven should be off of work so I called her since I was so nervous to talk to him on the phone. I click on her name in my contacts list.
"Hello?" She said
"Hey honey, sooo we have to talk about last night!" I say excitedly
"At my house silly!"
"Ohhhh I will be there!" She hangs up
I skip around and lay on my bed, I decide to play on my phone to pass the time, about 2 minutes later I hear her footsteps and she knocks on my door.
I walk to the door, taking my sweet ole time, I open the door and she's smiling I smile back so it doesn't seem like I'm depressed, which I'm not but that's my facial expression.
"Hey!" She said cheerfully
"Hey, we really have to talk" I say opening the door wider for her to come in, she notices and sits on the couch
"So...Pirate..." she says hinting at me to talk about Pirate
"Oh yeah...I gave him my number and we are supposed to talk at eight tonight" I say sitting down on the couch and smiling
"Oh wow he obviously likes you" she says smirking
"Oh yeah a rockstar likes me, that happens all the time" I say sarcastically
"i'm being serious Sky, he asked for your number. A guy wouldn't ask for a girls number for no reason" she says looking at her phone then back at me. I smile a bit at the memory of him calling me pretty, no guy has ever called me pretty or even complemented me before, besides my stepdad but that's different.
"I'm so jealous, if you two get married-don't jump to ideas you don't know that we will" I say interrupting her, she laughs at me interrupting her then looks at me
"you know you want it to happen" she says smirking
"Of course I want it to happen!" I protest
She giggles and says "Skylar and Pirate sitting in a-shut up!" I scream giggling shyly.
I get a text from a unknown number that says "hey cutie"
Raven with her nosy self looks at my phone
"He fucking likes you!" She screams
"I hope so" I say quietly hoping she didn't hear what I said.
She laughs at what I say and I blush
"What do I say to that?" I say worrying with my hormonal worrying girl self
"Hey back?" She says shrugging
"But doesn't that sound like I don't care?" I say looking at her
"Then say...hey handsome" she says looking at me while standing on the couch
"But that sounds clingy" I say still wondering what to say back
"Skylar just say hey!" She says annoyed. I do what she says and text back hey.
He responds "whatcha doin?"
"Just sitting on my couch"
"😂 that's no fun". Raven was looking at the texts and I push her head back
"I know, I am listening to music though" which was true because I have Pandora on my TV and it was playing always by Saliva
"What song?" he texted back
"Always by Saliva"
"Saliva...never heard of them"
"They are good...I haven't listened to them since I was 13 tho" I say scared that I said the wrong thing
"How old are you now?" He asked in text
"18" I answered
"Ahh me too" wow we are the same age I think to myself
"How about I come over there and listen to music with you?" He texted me again.
I look at Raven and smile
"what?" She asked looking at me
"he wants to come over!" I say almost screaming
"Oh wow I better leave then good luck don't be stupid!" She says getting up and opening the door.
I giggle to myself and realize I forgot to text back
"Sure it sounds good at 8?" I text him
"Sure" he texted me back
I laughed myself again, excited, I couldn't believe Jonathan Davis's son Pirate is coming to my house and that he possibly likes me! What do I fucking say? I'm such a awkward person.
I decided to at least put on some good clothes, but I'm not going to be putting on any makeup because if a guy hates my face without make up then he does not need to be with me. I just put on black jeans and a white shirt so that I won't have to get ready later, I lay on my bed and get on my computer.
I just checked my emails for work stuff, to see if my peers needed me because usually they do. There were no emails that were important so I decide to go on YouTube and look at 2021 Korn interviews
Because I was bored
My phone goes off again and it was Pirate asking for my address. I slap myself realizing I never gave him my address, I give him my address in text then continue watching the interview and I see a video that was recorded of Pirate here, I watched it and listened to his beautiful voice. The more I heard his voice the more I fell in love with him, I know that's cheesy but it was true I really did adore his voice. He really did get the good parts of his dad especially his voice.
I looked at the clock on my computer, 8:01 it read, I didn't realize that time passed by that fast just by watching interviews but since he wasn't here yet I was still watching random videos of stupid stuff for about 20 minutes, then I make sure the house is clean enough so he doesn't think I'm some hoarder.
I hear a knock at the door and run to the door to open it, almost slipping but I didn't, I open it and Pirates hair was up in a ponytail, damn he looked sexy with a ponytail.
"Hi" He said looking at me
"Hi, please come in" I say opening the door wider, he sits on the couch waiting for me to sit down. I sit down crossing my arms
"it's nice to see you again" he says looking at me
"You too" I say, I wish I had said more than that but to late
"So what do you do for a living?" He asks
"I do computer software programming, I'm really good with technology" I say smiling
"That's good, do you know how to fix computers?" he asks
"Yeah depending on what it is" I say putting my phone on the table near the couch
"Ahh my computer is fucked up but it's not that bad" he said Shrugging at the end
"Sorry to hear that" I said
"You're really beautiful" he said smiling
"No I'm not" I say laughing
"Awww don't tell me your one of those girls that cut themselves and do drugs" he said worried
"I'm not, not anymore anyway" I said looking down, I really hated talking about my personal life
"That's sad, you're really Beautiful but you don't see it" he said looking at me
I smile a little at that he thought I was Beautiful even though I wasn't
"I don't know what to say" I say looking up
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad" he said putting his hand on my shoulder
"No you didn't, I should've just said thank you" I said hoping I didn't ruin my chances with him.
Everything got cleared up and we started talking, laughing, talking about favorite songs
"Anyways my dad is having a retirement party, and I was thinking that you should come" he told me? I realize why Jonathan is having a retirement party and it's sad, but I didn't see why not
"Yeah, can I bring a friend?" I ask
"Sure, you just have to come in with me so that my dad doesn't think you're an intruder" he laughs, I laugh too
"Hey I want to listen to your album, what's the title?" I ask
"Lets die" he said smiling, I laughed
"Nice name" I laugh
"I know right" he said sarcastically
"I want you to listen to famous rock child by Plasma Nightmare" he smirked
"I will listen to it, any meaning?" I ask
"It's about me growing up with a dad that is a rockstar" he answers
"Was it hard growing up with that?" I ask
"No, not all the time he is a good dad and doesn't talk about that a lot" he answered
I yawn and stretch
"It's getting late I'm gonna go home, The party is tomorrow by the way" he winks.
He leaves and I get ready for bed

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