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With the fact that her whole entire family were Muggles, Megan really wasn't the happiest person when it came for the departure of her schooling.

Since they were nonmagical, the girl had to deal with just hugging them at the entrance of Platform 9 & 3/4. They couldn't get through the barrier, except for her youngest brother, who was now just starting to show signs of magic that Megan had dealt with when she was around the same age as him. But he was too young to go in without a parent, and she certainly couldn't take him onto the train. So, with a few frowns, the newly turned 17 year old bade them all goodbyes and stepped through the wall, finding herself smiling in just a few short moments of seeing all the people she recognized from past years. 

With her gleaming 'Head Girl' badge pinned tightly onto her chest, Megan James lifted her luggage into the car that was assigned to it, making sure that her satchel was tucked neatly at her side. She had just recently put an undetectable extension charm on it, so it held a lot more than it looked, and she made sure to put a feather-weigh charm on it as well, so it wouldn't even weigh too much. 

There wasn't much she could do except head to the Prefect and Head Boy and Girls' train car, so she did just that. Opening the door to the car, she saw that there were a few people milling about. They were all the same that they had been previously, except she knew there would be a new Hufflepuff Prefect joining them, and probably a new Ravenclaw, as the Head Boy was from Ravenclaw.

She found a comfy seat at the one chair she sat at each year, watching as the other Prefects slowly trickled in. She smiled warmly at each, and was strangely confused when a girl, one she had seen around school many, many times, found her way into the car.

"This is the cabin reserved for Prefects." She said softly, tilting her head a little to the side. Her eyes wandered down the front of the girl's shirt, seeing a little Prefect button on the fabric. "Are you one of the new Prefects?" It was impossible, since she knew for certain that the girl was in Slytherin, but who was she to judge?

"One of the old Slytherin prefects gave up their title. So, Professor Dumbledore gave me the title this summer. Got a problem with it?" The girl said with an eyebrow raised, finding herself in a seat across from Megan.

"None at all! Welcome aboard!" The blonde Hufflepuff said brightly, pulling the flap of her bag up and digging through it. She quickly found what she was looking for. Her small, leather bound journal, now opened in her hand, and her eyes scanning it. "Okay. So, you must be Iyana, right?"

The Slytherin sixth year nodded slowly, as if she really didn't want to answer too much in the first place, "That's me." 

"Great!" Megan said happily, sticking her muggle pen into her mouth. She continued to read the pages, nodding slowly. She took the pen out and stuck it behind her ear, tucking her feet up on the chair with her, "Your prefect partner is Liam Collins. Now, if he would actually show up-"

"Here." The exact boy she was talking about shuffled in, not a single hair out of place. He was a tall, lean sixth year who had a passion for showing his dislike of anyone besides purebloods. "What am I doing? I want to get out of here as soon as I can." He sneered at Megan, obvious dislike for the Muggleborn showing greatly.

"Oh, um." She looked a little taken aback, something that Iyana noticed, "Just, take Iyana and have a stroll through some of the Slytherin cabins. Make sure everyone is comfortable." She gave them a patient smile, watching as the two of them left the car. She gave the exact directions to each other prefect pair that was there, and soon she was left alone.

The smile fell. 

Her shoulders slumped a bit, and she closed her notebook. She had sent the Head Boy, a Ravenclaw named Ethan Myers, on, saying that she was going to go and change into her robes, since she did feel pretty comfortable in them. But really, she just needed that quick moment to collect herself. She wasn't particularly ready for this school year, but that really didn't mean anything. She was going to have to shove on, no matter what the little voice in her head said.

With a soft sigh, the outwardly cheerful girl stood up, but was more than a little surprised when she saw the new Slytherin Prefect standing there. For a second, Megan's breath hitched. She had seen the girl around occasionally, but she never said anything. This was the first time that she was close, and Megan could now officially say that Iyana was beautiful. Her cheeks went red and the smile easily found itself back onto her face, eyes sparkling.

"Did you need anything? If you're hungry, I have some snacks that I packed away. Or we have some pumpkin juice in containers that the Headmaster always sets out for us." She smiled and pointed to the table that contained juice and a few cookies that Megan had baked the night before.

"No, I just wanted to sit. We finished our rounds, and Collins went to sit with his buddies." Iyana shrugged and took a graceful seat on the couch, closing her eyes. She just wanted to be alone, and really hoped that Megan would take the message.

"Oh, I'm in your way. I'll leave. I fancy I'll be seeing you around a lot, as the Prefects have bi-weekly meetings. Let me know if you need anything, I'll be happy to help." The blonde gave a cheerful grin and made her way out of the car, waving at the people that she knew. Before she completely left, however, she looked back and saw Iyana sitting with a cup of juice, holding a few of the snickerdoodles that Megan had brought.

She was smiling, and Megan found herself having chills because of it.

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