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Megan tensed up suddenly when she heard the screams of terror coming from the basement. But she was smart enough to not just run down there. She let Logan go first and slowly crept down alongside the other professors.

"Father! I've returned." Logan walked into the room, his face smiling and as if he had no worries. For a quick moment, Megan questioned his loyalties, before he crossed his fingers behind his back. They had discussed that his fingers crossing would be their symbol to go in and that it was remotely safe. 

The three of them burst in and pointed their wands up, only to stop in horror. The man had his arm wound tightly around Iyana's neck, and she was gasping for breath. 

"Put the girl down!" Severus growled, "Timothy."

The man, Timothy, looked at Snape with a delighted look in his eyes, "Do you want to finish her off? You know how the master feels about homosexuals!"

"It's not him who cares, it's you. Let her down. Now. You are surrounded, don't you see? Even your son has betrayed you." Severus took a step forward, causing Timothy to tighten his grip just the tiniest bit.

Iyana squealed and locked eyes with Megan, and the Hufflepuff felt a surge of bravery go through her. But she knew it needed to stay down for now because she wouldn't be able to get a good enough shot at the man from this angle. She would hit Iyana for sure, and the last thing she needed was to know that she was the cause of her love's death.

"How about we sit and talk for a minute?" Timothy smiled and threw Iyana into a chair, binding her legs and arms to the legs and arms. "Now, don't attack me. Let's just talk, and no one gets hurt."

The two professors looked at each other and nodded, and looked back to him, "So talk." McGonnagall told him, motioning him forward with her head.

Timothy sat down in a chair for himself, smiling at his 'guests'. "So, I've fully trained her to not be sexually attracted to those of the opposite sex. As you know, my wife left me six years ago for another woman. Do you know how that feels? I felt absolutely unworthy. Disgusting." He laughed, "Until I realized that she was the disgusting one. How could someone love another of the same gender as them?"

Logan glared at his father, "Mom still loved you, and me. You know that. But you treated her so badly, and Sam treated her so nice!"

The laugh fell and Timothy looked over at his son with a remorseful look, "I see they've brainwashed you, Logan. I'm so sorry. I wish I could help you. Oh, wait! I can!" He stood and excitedly clapped, "Look!"

He leaned over Iyana and pressed his lips to hers, where she just sat there. She didn't do anything but start to cry, the disgust washing over her body in small tremors.

"Stupefy!" Megan screamed, the jet of light sending the man falling backward, "Stupefy!" He flew back again and tears welled up in her eyes. He lay there motionless, so she hoped dearly that she had knocked him out. 

With the help of McGonagall and Snape, they got Iyana untied. The dazed and wounded girl fell into the arms of her girlfriend, sobbing greatly and locking her arms around the other and never wanting to let go.

While they all stood and had a small reunion, Timothy sat up and smiled, pointing his wand at Megan's back.

"Avada kedavra."

She was hit with the green jet and went still, falling forward onto Iyana and nearly crushing her. The Slytherin stared at the lifeless Hufflepuff for a moment and stopped breathing. 

"No, no, no! Megan!" She shook her ruthlessly, while the man laughed in the background.

Rage seethed through her weakened form, and she felt a dark sense of death surround her. She grabbed her deseased girlfriend's wand and pointed at the man, and whipped the wand around, flying spell after torture spell at him.

She smiled when she heard him start to scream, and laughed when he fell to the floor, moving no more.


McGonagall conjured two stretchers, looking at the mess around them. Severus was dealing with Timothy's body, while the professor had to deal with her students. 

In the few moments after Iyana had went crazy at the man, she collapsed. She was still breathing, but Minerva believed it was just overuse of magic that made her fall. She lighly placed Megan's body onto one of the beds, covering her body with a while sheet. She then moved Iyana onto the other one, and apparated them all back to Hogsmeade.

With a few odd looks, the Transfiguration professor got the two girls, one dead, and one alive, to the school. Immediately, she took them to the hospital wing, where Albus was waiting.

"We lost one, didn't we?"


There was a moment of silence for her, while Poppy placed the still breathing girl onto a cot. She soothed a few potions down her throat, before turning to the others.

"You have to contact her parents. Contact Iyana's, as well. Let them know that their daughter is safe, even for the price of another life."

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